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Sunday, May 04, 2014

A Viewer Writes: I found this about Ron Pagano.........

The last paragraph says a lot about him *

It is for my boys, my grandchild, and their future, that I continue to be a Progressive, repulsed by the intolerance, bigotry and terror-tactics, practiced by the extreme right wing, and especially, the Tea Party. That's why I support the campaign of Dr. John LaFerla.



  1. I read the article and he claims to have gone to law school and practiced law. Where? Ron will share where you practiced law?

  2. His car has Delaware tags, just exactly where does he live????

  3. Anyone who starts slandering someone is a hater. Plain and simple. No argument, no debate, just slamming their philosophy.

    It is what is wrong with our country.

    In spite of all the fights over the years in legislatures nationwide, elected officials USED to try to come up for the good of all. Not anymore. It's all about power and meanness.


  4. tells me everything I need to now... Another left wing idiot who cant see the trees for the forest... right wing intolerance, bigotry and terror-tactics, really then what is it that the left wing is partaking in?

  5. Ron:

    Leave your checkered past behind you

    . . . . cross over the bridge!

  6. Anyone who attacks the Tea Party cannot be trusted.

  7. Absolutely not who we need on our county council or anywhere else for that matter. Not a good representative for anything.

  8. That ladies shirt... burn it with fire! I've never been able to trust a man on a scooter.

  9. So he is intolerant of other people who happen to happen opinions?

  10. Democrats and liberal progressives (Communists) have adopted the same political narrative and ideology as Putin and the authoritarian Russians throughout their ranks from the lowest such as Pagano to the highest like Obama.
    The narrative is to accuse the opponent of doing EXACTLY what they themselves are doing.
    The tea party represents belief in the Constitution, lower taxes and smaller Government. Intolerance, bigotry, racism or extremist terror tactics are the qualities represented well in the progressive rank and file from local to national activists.
    THEY are the problem in America.
    Pagano is one of them. THEY are twisted. THEY are backwards. THEY lie. THEY deceive. THEY are the intolerant ones. For them, right is wrong and wrong is OKAY!

  11. I have seen him in his car too, he does have Delaware tags.

  12. He's a creepy dude that's for sure, he'd make a good display in a Halloween haunted house!

  13. His facebook photo looks better.

  14. The Democrats put the likes of Ron Pagano, Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings against good Republicans.

    Please vote Republican and please contribute to their campaigns.

  15. Oh he's so repulsed-what a bunch of BS. He hates the Tea Party because he claims they are intolerant, terrorist bigots, but I bet if someone confronted him about this he wouldn't be able to give examples.
    But on the other hand we have many examples of the Obama admin and their failings including lie after lie after lie and Pagano idolizes Obama and the democrats.
    You would think he would wise up, since he doesn't seem to have made good choices in his life.

  16. I think it's funny where he says he ran for NYC Council and lost. Kind of reminds me of his buddy Manure Bota who ran for Congress twice and the Salisbury City Council twice.

    Now Manure is changing his tactics claiming to be a Republican and we all no better. Except for the Republican Central Committee who welcomes him with open arms.

  17. The candidates to avoid in the County elections are Laura Mitchell, Muir Boda, Kirby Travers, Ernie Davis, Josh Hastings and Ron Pagano.

  18. Here is a thought!

    Wicomico County Council Winners 2014

    District 1 - Ernie Davis (D)
    District 2 - Kirby Travers (D)
    District 3 - Josh Hastings (D)
    District 4 - John Hall (R)INO
    District 5 - Ron Pagano (D)
    At-Large - Laura Mitchell (D)
    At-Large - Muir Bota (D, L, R, ??)

    Now that is very scary.

    Look at all the people the Dems put up to run against Republicans. Laura Mitchell and Muir Boda at Large candidates. They know they can count on Muir Boda to side with them.

    Notice how they didn't put up anyone to run against RINO John Hall? Because he is married to the Democrat activist Carolyn Hall who is best buds with Jim Ireton. John Hall can be controlled by Jim Ireton through his wife.

    Shame on the Republican Central Committee for not putting up someone to run against Mr. Hall. Proves they only care about someone only having an (R) beside their name to be a candidate for their slate.

  19. The Tea Party is trying to inform us of information that is kept from us. I guess you don't want to know what's going on in this country!!! What the government tell us is, hate to say it, lies.

  20. Anonymous said...
    The Tea Party is trying to inform us of information that is kept from us. I guess you don't want to know what's going on in this country!!! What the government tell us is, hate to say it, lies.

    May 4, 2014 at 1:09 PM

    HUH? Can you state what the correlation is? I get your point, but it would be nice to know what it is in response to.

  21. In the upcoming County Council Election it would be in the best interest of every citizen to vote conservative, vote this ticket.

    Wicomico County Council 2014

    District 1 - Write in Candidate(R)
    District 2 - Marc Kilmer (R)
    District 3 - Larry Dodd (R)
    District 4 - Write in Candidate(R)
    District 5 - Joe Holloway (R)
    At-Large - John Cannon (R)
    At-Large - Write in Candidate (R)

    County Executive - Bob Culver (R)

    These are the best candidates for the future of Wicomico County's future. Find "write in" candidates before it's to late. Donate and volunteer for your candidate in the upcoming elections. If you haven't done so already please switch your party affiliation to Republican.

    Absolutely no RINO's or Democrats allowed!!


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