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Wednesday, April 02, 2014

WH Report: Chronic Marijuana Users Up 84% in 10 Years

The number of chronic marijuana users--defined as those who used it on four or more days in the past month--increased 84.3% between 2000 to 2010, according to a RAND Corporation report commissioned by the White House.

“In January 2012, the U.S. White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) asked RAND to generate national estimates of the total number of users, total expenditures, and total consumption for four illicit drugs from 2000 to 2010: cocaine (including crack), heroin, marijuana, and methamphetamine (or meth),” says the report, What America’s Users Spend on Illicit Drugs: 2000-2010. (See Spend on Illegal Drugs 2000-10.pdf)

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  1. Four is the lowest number of times of monthly use to be considered a "chronic" user? Are those who have a drink of alcohol once a week "chronic" users?
    More government doublespeak.

  2. If you have four or more alcoholic drinks, a week, you are a chronic user.

  3. Why the difference, 4 vs. 1 per week?

  4. This quantitative data just reflects the mental health issues this country has and the self medication taking place instead of getting to the root of the things they carry.

  5. 2:49 At first that sounded deep, but what?....(perfectly sober here)

  6. "...instead of getting to the root of the things they carry."


  7. The "things they carry" meaning issues from their past that have never been resolved or most likely they are living a facade of a life and they don't have the courage to be who they really are. Have the balls to remove the mask and be who you are and you will not have to bandaid your misery.

  8. In other words, quit being a society puppet because of fear of not being liked because you don't conform to what mummy, daddy or neighbors want. Once you do that, you will become liberated.

  9. Find a higher sense of peace....there is one outside of yourself. You just need to open yourself to it. Get in touch with your spirit, whatever it may be. The moment you quiet yourself and hear all the beautiful little whispers such as the beauty of the weather today, you will find true happiness. That does not come in a temporary feeling of rolled cigarette which leaves you more empty than you were before.

  10. Oh, okay.
    Been there, done that, still there.


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