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Tuesday, April 22, 2014



  1. No income tax? What will generate the revenue to make up for that?

  2. fake. there all fake..

    There is no one left in this city or state who will be the martyr for the betterment of mankind especially in maryland...

    They all always tell you what you want to hear and wham-o the get elected and your screwed...

    HOw about you stop worrying if you are going to get lube this time or not and vote opposite of either part and go for the third part people?

    Red or blue, dumb or dumber, left or right makes no difference there all the same and the only thing different will be who take the blame and praise after each other fights it to the death...

    Right now it is the dems who will take a beating and rest assured once repubs get full power back they to will do the same exact thing until it switches back to the dems... But that is all that will be different each time, who take the blame and praise...

  3. Here we go , more BS from the artists. Lies , Obama has taught them well! "Common core" political move. Yo mamma!

  4. I did vote myself a raise.....I left the shore.


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