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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Latest Trick for Illegal Immigrants: Granting Amnesty in Return for Military Service

Here’s a disturbing new idea from some members of Congress: Trade instant citizenship to illegal immigrants if they’ll agree to serve in the U.S. military.

Serving in the military is a high calling and a privilege—certainly not something to be treated as a bargaining chip in immigration politics. Yet these congressmen are trying to sneak this provision into the larger National Defense Authorization Act, which lays out the budget for the Department of Defense.

What’s more, the immigrants in question would be those who are brought to the U.S. as children—often called DREAMers (after the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act).


  1. As long as the amnesty is granted upon completion of the statutory-required initial term of service (8-years...look it up) with at least six years of active duty and an honorable discharge!

    It's still a Democrat scam to earn votes...unfortunately for the Democrats, the majority of successful service members vote Republican!

  2. Great idea,but I did not see a time limit mentioned,or maybe I missed it.4 years would be my suggestion,but the overwhelming percentage would make a career out of it if given the opportunity.Maybe a max of 4 years and no retirement option?

  3. Why in the world would you want to deny them the ability to make a career of it 2:49? If they want it, I say go for it.

  4. Wonder how many more terrorist's will enter the military under the pretense of citizenship... Sorry, I think this idea stinks.

  5. This is nothing new. I served proudly with many who were risking their lives to defend this country before they were citizens. Many died trying - paying with their lives for the chance to because like those of us born here. Patriots before they were citizens. Nothing new. ALL the first veterans gained their citizenship this way. Thousands paying with their lives, their property, their liberty to become US Citizens, by fighting (and winning by God's grace) the first war, thereby relinquishing our allegiance to the English.

  6. isn't that what we are trying to do get the weapons out of the hands of criminals? the liberal democrat way is to give the weapons to criminals. illegals are criminals.

  7. I thought we were slimming down the military. Now I know why


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