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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Under attack: Depth of federal arms race should surprise, shock citizenry

SANTA FE, N.M. — In late February, four federal agents carrying side arms with a drug-sniffing dog descended on the Taos Ski Valley in what was called a “saturation patrol.”

Authorities were working on tips of possible drug selling and impaired driving in the ski resort’s parking lot and surrounding area.

But the agents weren’t from the FBI, ATF or even the Drug Enforcement Administration.

Rather, the agents represented the U.S. Forest Service.

“It’s one of the untold stories about government,” said former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson, who lives in Taos, is an avid skier and has been a leading critic of the operation that turned up only a few minor infractions. “People don’t grasp the size and the scope of these entities and their law enforcement arms.”

It may come as a surprise to many U.S. taxpayers, but a slew of federal agencies — some whose responsibilities seem to have little to do with combating crime — carry active law enforcement operations.



  1. The mission of the Forest Service is "To sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of the Nation’s forests and grasslands to meet the needs of present and future generations." Its motto is "Caring for the land and serving people."

    Show us how committing a B&E, unlawful search, kidnapping, unlawful restraint and arrest and drug interdiction support the goals of the Forest Service.

  2. How about the 375 lb military drone crashing near the elementary school in PA. It was owned by the National Guard. What do they need them for? Looking for those bad Tea Party people? Step 1: Drone surveillance
    Step 2: IRS Audit
    Or maybe looking for a school child playing cops and robbers with his hand shaped like a gun?
    Better send the SWAT team AND the National Guard.

  3. we all created this mess, now we get to watch it run amok.
    no stopping this juggernaut.
    God help us all.


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