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Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Dems’ Voter-Fraud Denial

How do you address a problem they insist doesn’t exist?

The spin doctors who deny the existence of voter fraud have no boundaries.

“Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress. Voter fraud is so rare “you’re more likely to get hit by lightning than find a case of prosecutorial voter fraud,” asserts Judith Browne-Dianis, co-director of the liberal Advancement Project.

Kim Strach, the new director of North Carolina’s Board of Elections, disagrees. She just searched a database that comprises about half the registered voters in the U.S. and found 35,750 voters in her state whose first and last names and full date of birth match with someone in another state who also voted in the 2012 election. A smaller number (765) had exact matches on Social Security numbers, but that total is artificially low because only some states provide that number for any or all of their voters.

Remember: In 2008, Barack Obama only carried North Carolina by 14,177 votes out of 2.3 million cast.

Strach is turning over her findings to the state legislature along with recommendations on what laws would help clean up the rolls.



  1. How did the Republicans take over the house, senate and governorship, in North Carolina, if the Democrats are stealing elections?

  2. “Plans to fight voter fraud are based on nightmares, tall tales, and paranoid fears,” says Scott Keyes of the liberal Center for American Progress.

    The nightmare is residing at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. 'Nuff said.

  3. 6:32 pull your head out of your Liberal derriere...Obama stole the election and Killary will do the same...Liberal, Progressives couldn't win an election fair and square if their lives depended on it..

  4. You didn't answer the question 9:34. Just look locally, how did Andy Harris win if it is all so rigged?

  5. 10:25, They wanted him to win. Just like they wanted to give Conway and Mathias a BYE on the Transgender Bill. Just like Tilghman, Comegys, Dunn & Cathcart wanted Ireton to win, as well as previous elections in which they wanted Spies & Cohen to win so they could create the "Council of No's".

    At the time they were too HOT and many started questioning things like WalMart, WWTP, Westwood Industrial Park and Sassafras Meadows as well as development reimbursements.

    However, you just watch how they're ALL planning a new comeback. The County elections are just the beginning.

  6. It is a plot if they win, it is a plot if they lose. OK got that covered.


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