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Friday, April 25, 2014

The Left’s ‘Income Inequality’ Canard

There is no incentive to get people off their dependency on government programs.

Income inequality has long been one of the liberals’ favorite issues. So there is nothing surprising about its being pushed hard this election year.

If nothing else, it is a much-needed distraction from the disasters of Obamacare and the various IRS, Benghazi, and other Obama-administration scandals.

Like so many other favorite liberal issues, income inequality is seldom discussed in terms of the actual consequences of liberal policies. When you turn from eloquent rhetoric to hard facts, the hardest of those facts is that income inequality has actually increased during five years of Barack Obama’s leftist policies.



  1. I agree there is a Government sponsored income inequality problem under the Obama regime.
    Too darn many people make too much money for doing absolutely NOTHING but being idiots! Let them work for a living! Let them carry their own weight. THEY are the problem. They are dragging America down and OBAMA is promoting it!

  2. Chuck Cook fell for this hook, line and sinker. Proves he is nothing more than a Kool Aid Drinker. The idiot is to stupid to think for himself, but he thinks he is the smartest man on the Eastern Shore.


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