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Friday, April 25, 2014

110,000+ People Viewed Old Mill Articles

More than 110,000 people have viewed the two articles about the Old Mill in Delmar. 

Yeah, I'd say the message has been heard loud and clear. 

I should add there's been close to 300 comments on those two Posts and almost 600 shares as well. 


  1. Holy cow, Joe! Congrats! You bring us the best!

  2. That's over .11 % of the entire nation! Holy crap, that's a LOT of people for an Eastern Shore Blog!!!!!

  3. Make the message loud and clear. Call Old Mill and tell them that you will not be back!

  4. Good work. We would never get these stories from the MSM.

  5. She needs a good lawyer, how can the community help her?

  6. Any update on the parking lot tonight? Empty or full?

  7. Crabs are a very expensive dinner that myself and others I know only splurge on on special ocassions. You would think someone running that type of eatery would bend over backwards to make sure their patrons had a very pleasant experience.

  8. You reap what you tow ... I mean sow!

  9. HoLy Cow Joe, You're.the Best....Is This An Unduplicated Count?

  10. Hey, JT, what say you now?

  11. The FB shares related to this are impressive as well as your # of "talking about this."
    Too many people get hung up on # of likes but what's more important are the talking about #'s. This means people are interacting and sharing stories on your FB. From a business perspective on FB if your talkings are 1/2 the # of your total likes then that's beyond excellent unless of course it's because of something not so good happening.

  12. Why hasn't Metropolitan Magazine weighed in on this in Old Mill's defense? They've given them the Best Crabs award for who knows how many years now.

  13. 3:16-I saw on Facebook a former employee who shared these stories asking someone if they remembered how the owner made the employees fill out the ballots or whatever nominating Old Mill. They only 'won' because THEY stacked it in their favor.


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