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Sunday, April 06, 2014

The Daily Times, (Debbie Gates) Has An Interesting Article Up About Gays

Leasure recalled that Salisbury Mayor James Ireton attended a forum on campus that greeted advocates of marriage equality. At the time, he thought the mayor attended along with a security officer out of respect and fearing trouble.

Leasure later learned that Ireton is gay and open about it. Now, the professor sees the mayor’s presence as a sign of support, not of mere duty from a public official.


  1. Marriage is a sacerrament of the church and if there is a legitamate church that will marry a gay couple so be it. But where are the rights of hetero people to not have this crap stuffed down our throats?

  2. His (Leasure's) service to the community is teaching a course "like the queer" whatever that is supposed to mean.
    The "accomplishment" he touts for this article was "to rename a course as Literature of the Queer, from Gay and Lesbian Literary Studies".
    Oh how clever! He renamed a course-What an accomplishment!
    Be sure and click on and read the provided link. It reads like a comedy. It's all over the place and makes no sense.

  3. I have no problem with the article, except... no white woman should ever have corn rows. Ever. That chick, next to Ireton, should be shamed in public for her hair.

  4. can someone explain this to me

    "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Alliance at Salisbury University."

    What the heck is Queer? Isnt it all Queer I thought when I grew up that is what the others meant. So, please educate me on what or why they need Queer in it also, is that someone who has sex with animals?

    How about just mentally ill...

  5. Jimmy's buddy sure has some nice hair...

  6. Jim told him "Hey have you been to the Mojos bathroom"?

  7. 11:50, I can't wait until women start coming out of the bathroom ticked off because the she/man who just walked out pissed all over the toilet seat.

  8. They don't call him the raging bull for nothing.

  9. That woman looks like that guy on the bike who works downtown.

  10. Let me make something VERY clear here. The article was about an Officer attending the event at SU. This was the only picture I had available of an Officer with Ireton. I cannot say this Officer went with Ireton and I can certainly tell you he is not gay.

  11. Crazy hair officer. Doesn't SPD have hair requirement??

  12. 12:11, WHY? Should they also not be allowed to have tattoos as well?

  13. Wow is SU digging from the slop bucket. He needs to be shown the door ASAP. Anyone who touts as an accomplishment renaming a course is a low achiever. This article needs to go viral so the rest of the country/world can see the ignorance that is behind the US public education system.
    How stupid! Anyone can rename a course. Only in someone who is a nothings eyes would that be considered an achievement.

  14. The hair does look stupid. Even on African Americans it only works for some. He (I think it's a he) has some kind of identity issues going on and not just sexual. You don't make yourself look ugly on purpose unless you are trying to identify with something you are not and won't ever be.

  15. Amen & ditto 12:18. Must not have a mirror in the freakin house. What a skank

  16. The guy with the cornrows got them done on a bet. The picture is also over 2 years old.

  17. Many jobs will not allow tattoos. Hid'em

  18. "“My service to the community is by my teaching a course like the queer,” he said. “I’m a representative and a model by virtue of being a gay teacher of gay literature.”"

    No my dear, the ONLY thing you are representative of is a low class white trash upbringing-that's it, that's all. Queer is a derogatory, pejorative term used to describe homosexuals. It is now being used by some gays in attempt to be cute and clever but it is still offensive because it is used as an epithet. What can be expected though when even public officials are ghettofying the area with the use of "the bury." I expect in keeping with the lack of decorm and refinement of this area the studies of African American history and culture need to be named the N-word studies ASAP at SU. The reference to Salisbury being the Arm Pit of the Eastern Shore by those in nearby Talbot county is an understatement.

  19. Joe how did this thing beat you in the election!!

  20. Looks like puppy love!

  21. Bet or not it is terrible. Are you saying he is a LEO????

  22. Anonymous said...
    The guy with the cornrows got them done on a bet. The picture is also over 2 years old.

    April 2, 2014 at 12:30 PM

    I Don't care if it was done on a bet or not. Bull is a weirdo and always does weird crap with his hair like dying it stupid colors all the time. He is weird and Joe says he isn't gay, but I think Bull and Ireton have something going on. Bull was at the SU Candidates forum cheering Jim Ireton on like a little girlie cheer leader. That's a fact Jack because I sat right behind him and his girlfriend. Bull was their to support Jim Ireton and not Joe Albero.

  23. Those two in that picture are so close that I think they are cupping each others but cheeks. They have googly eyes for each other.

  24. Cute couple. Jimmy's boyfriend is going to throw a hissy fit!

  25. Look at the reflection in the glass window behind them

  26. Grow up people! Just because someone does their hair differently than you, wears different clothes, speaks English but with a different accent, is paler or darker than you, etc. is no reason to attack them. If it is true that the person in the photo on the right is a LEO in Salisbury, it is very probable that you might need him at some point given the crime rate in SBY. Give hatred a rest, you might just become a happier person.

  27. It goes much deeper than that 6:09

  28. Do you folks remember when Jim Ireland was caught on the beach in Rehoboth Delaware during restricted hours? Jim ran and the other "fellow" ran but Jim Offered the excuse for his running that he didn't want to be the only one caught in violation of hours permitted on R. Beach Delaware and the other "fellow" to get away. Daily Times carried the story/news.

  29. It does but the gene pool is awful shallow!

  30. 2:59 you are correct. I was there also and they were their with his girlfriends boss Courtney who places ads on here for the Apartments they own. Don't let them fool you Joe they were there supporting Jim Ireton and Jake Day. They proudly ran Debbie Campbell off the apartments property and called the police on her. They wouldn't let Debbie Campbell campaign on their properties, but they let Jim Ireton and Jake Day campaign. I live in one of those apartments and I know. Debbie was talking to me when the police arrived. If I was you I would not let them advertise on your site ever again.

  31. Yes Jack he is a police officer with the Salisbury Police Department. His beat is the downtown plaza on a bike.

  32. 6:09 you need to grow up with your liberal ways. Quit protecting these problematic idiots.

  33. I find it amazing that when a Christian symbol is used in any where subject to Government property the abnormal, and the Atheists are quick to use the phantom violation of Church and State rulings, Yet when the Government violates this separation nothing is said. Marriage is between a man and a woman Christ said it himself "Ephesians 5:31 “Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and hold fast to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh.” No exception - there is no Adam and Steve.

  34. And is this his usual appearance or as it was mentioned, he lost a bet??

  35. 3:15

    I've voted Republican in every election since I was 18 but the difference between me and others is that I have an education and do not hate others because they are different. Do I agree with them, no. Can I live with the fact that other people have the right to be different, yes. So many people on here call democrats stupid, idiots, communists etc just because they have a different viewpoint. You would be surprised at how many successful people are democrats and are by no means dumb or idiots. Live and let live. If you can't stand living in a democratic state (MD), I suggest that you look at moving to TX rather than being hateful.

  36. Anonymous said...

    I've voted Republican in every election since I was 18 but the difference between me and others is that I have an education and do not hate others because they are different. Do I agree with them, no. Can I live with the fact that other people have the right to be different, yes. So many people on here call democrats stupid, idiots, communists etc just because they have a different viewpoint. You would be surprised at how many successful people are democrats and are by no means dumb or idiots. Live and let live. If you can't stand living in a democratic state (MD), I suggest that you look at moving to TX rather than being hateful.

    April 6, 2014 at 8:09 PM

    It doesn't matter that you say you have voted Republican in every election since you were 18. I will throw the BS flag down on that one. You make it sound like you have never ever voted for a Democrat and that you are a liar. If you are a registered Republican you are a RINO. I bet you are a Democrat because you certainly love them. Many of us would prefer to live in Texas if we could. You can stay here and suck up to the Dumbocraps.

  37. You can stay and pay the taxes, I did move to get away from the taxes and hateful people like yourself. BTW, I have always pulled/selected straight ticket for republicans, sorry you can only chose to call names rather than change your world or circumstance. It must be frustrating to have so little control over your life.


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