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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Tense Exchange Complete With Finger-Pointing Erupts Between Eric Holder and Louie Gohmert: ‘Good Luck With Your Asparagus’

A tense moment during a congressional hearing Tuesday ended with Attorney General Eric Holder making a disparaging reference to something Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said during a hearing in 2013.

“Good luck with your asparagus,” Holder said after Gohmert’s time had expired.

Obviously, the “asparagus” reference requires some explaining.



  1. Is it any wonder the cops today have such bad attitudes when this guy acts like this?

  2. Gohmert is like a malevolent country bumpkin, tossing out malaprops and word salad while shoving a knife in America's back. Such a tool.

  3. 9:15
    Respectfully, you have your head up your $$$

  4. Excuse me, Holder is the criminal in the picture here!


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