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Wednesday, April 09, 2014

Dramatic, Little Known GOP Rule Change Takes Choice Of Presidential Candidate Away From Rank And File Republicans And Hands It To Party Elite

There’s an unspoken storm brewing in the Republican Party—a storm whose seeds were planted in the first days of the 2012 Republican National Convention.

For those who may not recall those late August days in 2012, the Republican Party arrived in Tampa dedicated to creating a seamless launch for the national presidential campaign of its standard bearer, Governor Mitt Romney, and to do all it could to insure at least the appearance of a united party as it moved toward the November election.

To make that happen, Chairman Reince Priebus—along with a number of national committee members on the Mitt Romney bandwagon—made the determination that anyone or anything associated with libertarian Ron Paul was bad news for the GOP’s chances and, as such, were to be avoided at all costs.

To meet that goal, Paul was denied an opportunity to speak at the convention unless he promised to allow the RNC to edit his speech.

But that wasn’t all. An additional condition for obtaining some recognition at the convention for Paul and his followers required that Dr. Paul be willing to publicly endorse the candidacy of Gov. Romney.


1 comment:

  1. Kinda looks like the Republican party is killing itself from within.

    Crap like this and the actual candidates starting to show up as 'viable' are dooming them to failure.

    Christie is a gun-control advocate that lets illegal aliens pay in-state tuition.

    Bush is willing to allow illegals to stay as their illegal status here is an act of love.

    Paul supports the RINO McConnell which would continue the current level of standard activity in our dysfunctional government.

    Anyone else wanna try?!


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