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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Recruiting Thugs for the Police State in New Mexico

The state considers the American people the enemy More


  1. why does it have to say thugs? its just a job ad, the same kind alot of police depts use.

  2. Everyone should call that phone number and tell them WE KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE. Go have a family barbecue out on your deck.

  3. It is a job recruiting ad, emphasizing the 2% of excitement that could occur during a career. No one doing paperwork or tediously investigating a petty call from one of the regulars.

    Higher wages and incentives are necessary to get people to take the jobs no one wants. Half the population thinks you do too much and are the Gestapo, the other half thinks you aren't doing enough or are enforcing the wrong things. The court system turns criminals loose before the paperwork is done. Statistics and trends figured out by geeks behind a desk have taken the place of walking the beat, and gut feeling police work.

    I've done it for 25+ years, and it is a totally different environment today than when I started. It is hard to pull the highly qualified, ie. a brain and common sense.

    And finally there's the idiots like 5:13, who knows where I live and knows who my kids are...!

  4. 5:50 This is 5:13. You missed the point. I do not care where you live or even know if you have children or not. But, your Democratic government does and if you step out of line you will be targeted. I don't care if you're a police officer or not. Just ask some of our best military officers who were let go because they didn't kiss Obama's ass.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    why does it have to say thugs? its just a job ad, the same kind alot of police depts use.

    April 22, 2014 at 5:13 PM

    Because that's what cops are now.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It is a job recruiting ad, emphasizing the 2% of excitement that could occur during a career. No one doing paperwork or tediously investigating a petty call from one of the regulars. I've done it for 25+ years, and it is a totally different environment today than when I started. It is hard to pull the highly qualified, ie. a brain and common sense.

    And finally there's the idiots like 5:13, who knows where I live and knows who my kids are...!

    April 22, 2014 at 5:50 PM

    Petty calls? I'm so sorry the public bothers you with requests that you DO YOU JOB.

    It's already been documented that dept's do not hire anyone with too high of an IQ. Common sense, maybe, but I don't see that displayed too often.

    Nice dig at the troll. Makes you look even better.

  6. Yes petty calls, like stores reporting shoplifters that took merchandise that was less than $5, and they knew the shoplifter and the managers don't bother to confront the shoplifters about the stolen merchandise. Or the victim that wants to report stolen change from their vehicle because they are too lazy to lock it. Those are the type of petty calls he was referring to.

  7. So where are the cops that say there is no housing subsidy? No performance incentive? Liars.
    Cops have become used car salesmen with guns! Strike that, I'd trust a used car salesman before I'd trust a cop. Just look at the 8:30 P.M. post to see what cops are today. They are sub human thugs. Caretakers of the Government policing for profit shakedown. Paid mercenaries that are mentally deficient and unstable. No wonder you see adds like this, no one wants to be a member of this exclusive psychopath club anymore.

  8. Nicely done ad, where is the problem?

  9. It's because 25 people there have been shot dead for no good reason.

  10. Keep cheering. Keep a travel bag packed. You'll be told where to go and what time to be there and you won't be given much time to "comply".
    Most of you are too wrapped up in American Idol or some new scary boogeyman (terrorists! endangered children!! safety!! pick something) to understand what exactly you are cheering, but you feel so good being on the side of the "authorities", right or wrong doesn't really matter. You won't think about right or wrong until an AR-15 is jabbed into your back. Too late then.

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Yes petty calls, like stores reporting shoplifters that took merchandise that was less than $5, and they knew the shoplifter and the managers don't bother to confront the shoplifters about the stolen merchandise. Or the victim that wants to report stolen change from their vehicle because they are too lazy to lock it. Those are the type of petty calls he was referring to.

    April 22, 2014 at 9:01 PM

    OH, so there is a monetary value to which laws are enforced and responded to? You want to pick and choose which calls you respond to? It's not the thief's fault for stealing but the victim for not locking his valuables?

    Thanks, that makes it more clear. You want people to do your job and not bother you until it reaches a certain value before you would consider it worth your valuable time.

    I was under the impression that these same people that call you, for such trivial matters in your mind, are the ones who pay your salary to do just that.

    What was I thinking


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