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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Lawmakers Want Gov’t to Remove Proposal That Would Make Beer More Expensive

Farmers, beer brewers and lawmakers are calling upon the government to drop a proposal that they say is unnecessary, could lead to waste and could raise the overall cost of beer — or milk — for consumers.

Sen. Charles Schumer (D-NY) is visiting Rohrbach Brewing Co., a craft brewery in Rochester, N.Y., the latest of several brewery visits, Monday and will be asking the Food and Drug Administration to drop a provision in its preventative standards for the Food Safety Modernization Act.

Here’s the issue: Brewers have given or sold for a nominal fee their spent grain to farmers who use it as animal feed. The new rule would classify brewers doing this as animal feed manufacturers and would thus require them to ship the material dry, instead of wet as it generally is after the beer-making process.


  1. I think Beer should be made a whole lot more expensive, when you go to a gas station and see "A Cold One" advertised for under a dollar, and then Soda in $1.59 can or bottle, something is seriously wrong with this picture!

  2. "Big Beer" is behind this. Mark my words. They are starting to see their profits shrink because of the popularity of micro and craft breweries, so they are out to eliminate them by regulation. Shummer's not sincere. He knows it's going to pass. He's being the good guy in the good guy bad guy game they play.

  3. This is stupid. The lawmakers are the Government. The FDA can not require a damn thing. But don't ask Obama to step in because he is dumber than a fishing worm.

  4. 5:33, you are looking at things wrong. Beer lets Mommy and Daddy cope as the toddlers drink their caffeine sodas!

    Think about it?

    The price is right...

  5. Sodas cost more due to the cost of high fructose corn syrup since corn is being used for ethanol to ruin engine. Soda with sugar is better for you to the degree that soda can be good for you.

  6. Just ANOTHER way for govt to squeeze money out of people. They pass the buck to all of us working our butts off to stay afloat.

    Vote em all out 2014

  7. Tax the hell out of it. They tax smokes why not suds?

  8. The reason given-health-for the high tax on cigarettes should be extended to alcohol. Alcohol causes more health related problems than cigarettes ever did. The 2nd hand smoke thing is a bunch of bunk as well. Tonight many truly innocent people are going to die because of alcohol whether it be caused by a drunk driver or a drunk on a rampage. So many children suffer at the hands of someone under the influence of alcohol not only physically but mentally. The anti cigarette/pro alcohol crowd needs a foot shoved up their butts for their dishonesty.

  9. Prohibition Now!

  10. Hey guess what EVERYTHING in AMERICA goes UP! BEER toooo! GET OVER IT!!!!! Maybe then the drunks cant afford the beer and don't cause accidents!


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