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Sunday, April 20, 2014


(SALISBURY, MD) – Investigators from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit continue to seek leads in the investigation of a home invasion that left one dead and another injured early yesterday morning in Salisbury.

The deceased victim is identified as Donald G. Mariner, 72, of the 27,000-block of Pemberton Drive in Salisbury. Mariner was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel. The cause and manner of death are pending autopsy results.

The identity of the second victim remains undisclosed at this time due to safety concerns. He is being treated for injuries sustained during the incident at Peninsula Regional Medical Center.

The suspect is described as an African American male. Police believe he was wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans at the time the crime occurred.

The preliminary investigation indicates the injured victim made the 9-1-1 call to police, reporting the home invasion on Pemberton Drive. Upon arrival, troopers from the Salisbury Barrack, sheriff deputies from the Wicomico County Sheriff’s Office, and officers from the Salisbury Police Department found the injured victim, who told police he had been assaulted with a blunt object. He was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment.

Police also found Mariner inside the home. He was pronounced dead by emergency medical personnel. Police believe the two victims were roommates.

During the initial stages of the investigation, police learned that Mariner’s Ford F150 pickup truck had been stolen from the residence. Police believe the truck may have been operating sometime between the hours of 11:30 p.m. on Monday night to 1:45 a.m. on Tuesday, April 15th.

The truck was found abandoned on West Main Street near the VFW, approximately two miles from location of the crime. Anyone who may have seen the black Ford F150 in the area of Pemberton Drive or West Main Street is urged to call police.

Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore at 410-548-1776 is offering a reward of up to $2,000 to anyone with information leading to the arrest and indictment of the suspect. Callers can remain anonymous.

The Maryland State Police Homicide Unit continues the investigation…


  1. Joe these dead men walking knew these victims either by having done work for the victims or perhaps have a relative that did work for them. They knew there was cash or other items of value there for the taking. They were dropped off by someone so there is an additional suspect out there. I really wish they would pick my house and I can assure you the things that would happen to these scum would deter others from carrying out home invasions for a long time. I am so fed up with the types of people that are products of low life upbringing and have no morals. We as citizens need to look out for our neighbors that are elderly and be on guard for warning signs in and around everywhere we go in our travels and don't be afraid to act on your suspicions if people don't seem like they belong where you see them they probably don't! Read the news reports here on Joe's sight and you can form your own opinions as to what these people look like in a typical Wicomico county criminal profile!

  2. But, I encourage you people not to profile black people in hooded sweatshirts. Thank you, Barrack.

  3. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family in this difficult time. If we could drop Fat Man or Little Boy on the side of town where the truck was abandoned we would have far fewer of these problems.

  4. It's a profile made independently cause it is usually part of the crime!!!

  5. This makes me so sick. It's exactly what 4:25 said "products of low life upbringing and have no morals".
    Political correctness will dictate that when this/these SOB's are caught we are supposed to view their family as victims as well. Enough of that. Give them a good dose of public humiliation. Let's guess here and now. I bet no positive father figure in this suspect's life. Multiple 1/2 brothers and sisters. This is the pattern.

  6. Cut the welfare off, starve these lowlifes out and be done with it.

  7. Hopefully the survivor will be of great assistance in solving this murder. Prayers and thoughts for the family members.
    It is unfortunate that they did not have, or did not have the chance to use a gun.
    This day and age, one must be most vigilant and prepared for least unexpected.

  8. Can they brush the steering wheel for prints? It's most likely someone who has a record.

  9. 4:25 again here Joe with todays DNA technology between the crime scene and the truck they will get matches because I'm sure these vermin have been in the system multiple times. We talk about the federal government putting us in camps and taking our guns and the whole time people are being victimized by the "HOODED SWEATSHIRT BLACK MALE MAFIA" I'm no bigot, but I call them like I see them they dropped that truck off on West Main Street and most likely walked to Pemberton Apartments to lay low, smoke dope and service baby's mama while they laugh about a society that pays their bills and then provides them with a free crime pass to rape, rob & pillage those who are unable to protect themselves.You had better believe Chief Dykes was a man of his word and when you shot someone on his watch nobody slept until the criminals were in jail period! Let's be a little less politically correct and get proactive on the persecution of the HSBM MAFIA!!!! YES I SAID PERSECUTION! Prosecution doesn't seem to even bother them.

  10. Beaten with a baseball bat. Yo, bro, please approach my family or friends, at night, wearing a hooded sweatshirt. Come meet MY little friend.

  11. Quite a different story from when the dope dealer drove over a cop car huh? Here we have an actual murder, but no helicopters, roadblocks, over 100 officers tracking him on the ground. They really don't care, to them, we civilians are just a bother.

  12. Joe you should keep this towards the top until it's solved people seem to forget about things in this electronic world of up to the minute news!

  13. When he is caught - Please save us taxpayers money and beat that bastard the same way he did to Donnie and his roommate!!! I knew Donnie and my heart and prayers go to him and his family!!! Donnie, You were such a nice person and I will miss you!! You never ever deserve this!! Nobody does!!! Rest in Peace, Donnie!!! You will be missed!!!

  14. Any lead or tip should be addressed to Dunkin Donuts 1200 Nanticoke Rd, Salisbury for the quickest response possible.

  15. 4:25...spot on! Donnie Mariner was such a kind, giving and caring man. He would do anything for you I am sure! It is horrible what happened to a fine citizen of this area! A hard-working man, by the way! I pray for a quick arrest. I wish it was an eye for an eye! This/these people who did this deserve no better! God Bless Donnie's family and his long list of true friends!

  16. 8:14 You couldn't be further off in this case. Detectives ARE doing A LOT in this case. Just because YOU don't see it, don't post your dribble on something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

  17. Hopefully it's not the same homicide unit that is investigating the UMES students death where no one has been arrested or charged.

  18. 9:53 am Keeping the public up to date regarding an ongoing investigation is crime solving 101. Get Mike Lewis on the tv since he seems to enjoy it and restate the facts, contact info, reward info and so on until there is a break in the case. Make these guys think the entire community is crawling with police and informants just looking for a chance to collect a reward. This is how it's done in communities with real cops in charge not professional speed enforcement/cash cow general fund collectors.

  19. FLASH to the year 2014:
    Welfare has become the new slavery. Groups of young people are living in a state of confusion and hatred due to a lack of self identity. The have grown up on the government dole and know no other way. They are to be pitied. It is slavery all over again because someone owns you and has charge over you. The only answer is to break the bonds that hold you and discover who you are and be free!

  20. Anonymous said...
    Cut the welfare off, starve these lowlifes out and be done with it.

    April 17, 2014 at 5:33 PM

    Good point! Make them work for a living and remember to keep you guns close by loaded and ready. Be sure to check them regularly like you should be doing with your smoke detectors.

  21. Anonymous said...
    8:14 You couldn't be further off in this case. Detectives ARE doing A LOT in this case. Just because YOU don't see it, don't post your dribble on something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

    April 18, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I agree with you but that would be drivel and not dribble. Be more professional and educate yourself when you write.

  22. Anonymous said...
    FLASH to the year 2014:
    Welfare has become the new slavery. Groups of young people are living in a state of confusion and hatred due to a lack of self identity. The have grown up on the government dole and know no other way. They are to be pitied. It is slavery all over again because someone owns you and has charge over you. The only answer is to break the bonds that hold you and discover who you are and be free!

    April 18, 2014 at 11:34 AM

    This is correct and the welfare handouts mean more votes for the Democrats. You are owned by the Man for your votes. And that would be at the tax payers expense.

  23. Seems to random for someone to go down to that specific house and do a home invasion. Bet the roommate was involved somehow. Easy to say a black guy did it in Salisbury. Or maybe I have watched too much CSI/Law and order..

    PS:I am white, registered Repub and voted for Bush 2x.. Before the peanut gallery jumps all over me..

  24. The Bradley home invasion was never solved was it. I wonder if they are connected. Who knows this county and city are becoming more like Detroit daily.

    I know the police are wroking hard as for the nay sayers walk a mile in a detectives shoes I am sure it is not easy. The gangs code of silence is a hard thing to break. I dont think anyone is sitting around drinking coffee on this one. My father was a police officer it took years off of his life. I dont know why anyone does that job.

  25. I agree, hard to get witnesses to talk, but that just proves what type of society we live in, the gangster code of silence, fear, and a way of life. In order to break that code, government needs to break the cycle of dependency and in till value, moral and right from wrong back into society. But yes the democratic way of life is destroying this country, promoting gay lifestyle, giving to those who would rather stay home then work, allowing those who don't want and education to stay and disrupt the education that do. I could go on and on.

  26. See, more Asians need to do home invasions so it doesn't look like society is picking on blacks.

  27. Most commenters on here need to stop with their opinions. Let the law do their job & find the person or persons who did this.

    R.I.P. Donnie Mariner

  28. I thought with 29 comments somebody knew something.Boy was I wrong.You all are as clueless as I am.

  29. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    8:14 You couldn't be further off in this case. Detectives ARE doing A LOT in this case. Just because YOU don't see it, don't post your dribble on something YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT.

    April 18, 2014 at 9:53 AM

    I guess his point flew right over the top of you pointed head.

    Hint: when you attempt to correct someone, check your spelling. Misspelled words make you look dumber than you already are.

  30. The police must know of some kind of connection, after all they are withholding the room mate's name for his own safety (According to MSM police reports). To me that suggests that the room mate in some way has connections to the perp.

  31. I hate to say it but the Sheriff's Office really does not solve many crimes. There is no doubt about it Mike Lewis is King of drug stuff. I just dont see those guys solving big crimes that are in the paper or on this site. They did solve Foxwell since then nothing Joe. Mike needs to bring in some hired guns or something. I could be wrong I just keep reading this bad stuff then never see any arrest made. Maybe they are just too burnt out.??? I hope they catch these punks


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