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Sunday, April 13, 2014

Perdue worker won't eat chicken nuggets: by Ray Wallace

A worker at a Perdue chicken processing plant explains why he won't eat chicken nuggets:

"It's the meat that can only be gotten by smashing, mashing, mixing, boiling, bleaching, etc. the other unwanted parts of the chicken....

“It’s all chicken. It’s just not all meat. Some of it’s skin, a few bones, fat, and whatever meat might still be attached to any of the previous mentioned.”

-- From “Chicken Processing Worker Reveals Why He'll Never Eat Nuggets Again,” by Ashley Lutz, at this Business Insider site:


Chicken nuggets come in various shapes made from mechanically separated chicken slime. The entire chicken may be smashed and pressed through a sieve under high pressure -- bones, eyes, guts, and all. It comes out looking like this:

Because it’s crawling with bacteria, it's washed with ammonia -- soaked in it, actually. Because it tastes gross, it's flavored artificially. Because it's weirdly pink, it's dyed with artificial color.

A short video showing mechanical separation is here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rkDaajzamfA

More difficult-to-watch videos are here:


...and here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LvnHn5a1wIs

Walmart sells Perdue chicken nuggets under the “Great Value” label:


  1. Sounds like sausage.

  2. Exactly why I love things like scrapple,hot dogs and chicken nuggets so much.Souse is also delicious.

  3. What is this mess.... open season Perdue day? Nonsense.

  4. I guess he doesn't eat mashed potatoes, either.

  5. I agree 12:50 but you still have to watch with those products unless of course you like to eat ammonia and artificial flavorings. I would suggest getting your souse from Spence's Bazaar in Dover. The meat market is open Tues and Fri and Sat. They have great sausage as well. Hocker's is the place to get your hotdogs and they make great sausage as well and Hughes for scrapple. You really don't want any of these products if they have to artificially flavor them. What's the sense. You make as well soak a piece of white bread with artificial chicken flavoring and eat that if you are in the mood for these nuggets.
    It's not so much the food that's bad for you, but what they put into it.

  6. well do you want smashed chicken but its all chiken or do you want a genetically lab made chicken like they have done with the fish and soon to the cow?

  7. 1:57-How pray tell can anyone develop an immunity to anything if all that they eat is made only with the purest ingredients?

  8. In 2011, approximately 1.06 million abortions took place in the U.S. with a disturbing amount late term abortions.
    And you are concerned with what's in a chicken nugget. Bless your heart...and if you don't know that is a kind way of saying how stupid you are!

  9. If you can't feed 'em (nuggets) then don't breed 'em.

  10. You are off the wall 2:59. Not only off the wall but God help your children if you have any.
    Any parent who isn't concerned with what their children are eating and what and how that food is processed and consists of isn't worth a God damm.
    God help your poor children. Stupid is too kind a word to describe irresponsible parents like you.

  11. No you are stupid 2:59 because people can be concerned about both issues. Personally I find you rather disturbing. Everyone especially a parent, should concern themselves with our food supply. Children are helpless when it comes to making good food decisions and no good comes with eating anything like nuggets which are over processed and artificially flavored.
    I think the only heart/hearts that need a blessing are those of your children, if you have any. You are very neglectful for not concerning yourself with what they may eat.

  12. Wow the pic makes me hungry for ice cream!

  13. My father's standard answer to the following question posed to him while he was eating Scrapple:
    "Do you have any idea what's in that stuff?"
    "Yes, I do I just happen to really like pig snouts."

  14. support real local farmers and buy all natural free range chicken.

  15. That ok folks, Purdue does do wonderful things like fund SU University to show their support for education, build solar fields to show their support for the environment, sponsor dozens of diversity events, and show pretty cartoons of a man named Jim on TV showing a happy farm. In reality, they slaughter chickens daily who have endured a 60 day egg to death life, and are even trucked in covered containers so the chicken don't fall out, and drivers are sparred seeing the chickens only minutes from death. How does it feel folks when you are behind those trucks? (BTW, they are everywhere) Do you quickly pass when you are behind them? Do you think about your need to buy the cheapest chicken out there better than contributing to this form of "humane treatment"? Don't you ever wonder what happens when you see the large purdue trucks in the middle of the night going down some small rural roads? Next time you see a purdue truck, see a dead chicken along the road, or drive the sad smell coming out of the rt 50 processing plant, pat yourself on your back. You are part of the wonderful perdue enterprise.

  16. Eat rice cakes LIBS! I am sticking to Perdue and miller Lite!

  17. 9:49 am, I guess you never eat chicken? And, if you're going to talk about a company spell their name right! PURDUE is a university.... One more thing, if you don't like seeing the chickens in crowded containers, I guess we could put a 2/3 of the load in other trucks so the chickens will be happier, then you would have MORE trucks to follow behind. LOL

  18. Union Activism is the game that those with no humility play.. post names or this ism nothing but unsubstantiated blather.. The pics were on the net 15 months ago and back then were about McDonald's not Perdue Farms ... I despise do nothing destructive Progressive Trash

  19. It's not so much about the chickens to me but the fact that this company is a sponge. Their business model must read like a classic text book example of corporate welfare. When you pay a large percentage of your employees below poverty level wages, the tax payers pick up the slack so these people can survive. You think you are getting cheap chicken but the stark reality is you are paying for it dearly in other ways.

  20. they use this slime to make hot dogs too. And it's not just perdue that makes this crap.


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