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Sunday, April 13, 2014

A Viewer Writes: Local Morning News

During the local morning news, they did a story on the rise of crime in Salisbury and are now asking the public to participate with the Neighborhood Watch Program.

What an insult.

Let's take our little neighborhood on the East Side.... We contacted the police several times and told them of the drug dealer that lives in our neighborhood. With our lovely drug dealing neighbor came crime, guns, drugs, gangs, trash, vandalism, violence, animal issues, and noise.

Each call to the police department was met with insults, hostility, and ignorance. 

One jerk that answered the PD non emergency line actually had the audacity to tell us that the foul music emanating throughout the whole neighborhood was in his eyes freedom of speech. We asked him when it turned into disturbing the peace and obscenity. Not all of us appreciate hearing four letter swear words and phrases that include killing your biotch, killling the popo, and snorting coke, along with the N-word they are sooo offended by unless it is uttered by themselves or some pos Hollywood type.

To date, our lovely drug dealing neighbor still is drug dealing, and it is not pot we are talking about. As far as I am aware pot is not white powder stored in baggies. But nothing has been done and it has now been 2 years. All we hear are excuses.

So while we jeopardized our safety to better our environment, as far as we can tell, the SPD has done nothing to resolve this hazardous situation.

So a message from this little east side neighborhood, you can take your bogus Neighborhood Watch Program and put it where the sun don't shine. Because we will never put ourselves in that position again.


  1. Drug task force should be involved, contact sheriff's office.

  2. Sad situation. I remember when all the drug dealers were going to be taken down...whatever happened to that?

  3. There really are some arrogant a$$es that answer that non emergency number for the city. Had an apple or two out of that bag, but not to worry, will not go that route again and we are in the city.

  4. Catch and release 12:33

  5. There was a time - regardless how one feels about Chief Dykes we went after drug dealers and the ones responsible for renting the house. If they refused to clean up their act the crack house was condemned and destroyed. I do not know what has happened, but I attribute inaction to the leadership surrounding the chief apparently still afraid to do their job.

  6. No need to contact the sheriff's office, drug dealings been going on in the far west side of the county for years. It's easier to write traffic tickets than to stop the drugs.

  7. As a former landlord, I also contacted the police to report drug dealing. Nothing is done. Several neighbors reported it also. Nothing is done.

  8. WHY is nothing done? Ms. Police Chief please answer. Drugs are everywhere and no one at your department cares? Do you have to live next door to this mess? A lot of us do and your department does nothing.

  9. I disagree with most or all of what this commenter has posted.

    Stop thinking the Police are here to do anything but collect taxes and strong arm the citizenry into compliance. Tax payers care, criminals do not. Tax payers have "something" to lose criminals do not. What we need is a better class of drug dealer. Maybe we can get Wor-Wic to have free classes on how to garner support from your neighbors while running a criminal enterprise next door. All kidding aside it is our responsibility to police ourselves. Neighborhood watch is not a bad start. Atleast you will have meet and talked to some of your neighbors before things really start to get bad.

  10. One word....MOVE. Seriously, would you continue living in a house next door to a toxic waste dump?

  11. 3:48 and how, do you suggest, we stop the drug dealing? Policing on our own does nothing. What is neighborhood watch going to do against gangs and guns? Standing there are watching them drug deal solves nothing. Think they care? No, they do not.

    5:03 typical stupid answer. Some of us have lived here over 40 years. Why should we have the burden of trying to sell our home, in this economy because of one bad neighbor? I believe some of out tax dollars went to the police department. Maybe its time to start doing what they are paid to do, solve crime, arrest criminals.

  12. As Owner of House in said neighborhood I am constantly barraged with grass cutting notices and broken shingle notices and anything along that line you can think of I have called police on acts of destruction on my house and perps caught in the ACT BY POLICE AND SENT HOME then they want to call it a nusance property trying to sell it but nobody wants to live there if they aren't invovled with that type of people Salisbury currently sucks big balls

  13. 6:03 as said owner of that house, seems like you did not do your due diligence in background checking and have now subjected a whole neighborhood to the fact that you negated your responsibility over getting a rent every month.

    I have no sympathy for you. You do not live here and do not deal with this trash day in and day out.

    Evict them if you are that concerned.

  14. The solution is simply..break the sewer line and call code enforcement. they will condemn the property and make anyone living there move out.

  15. I beleive this property is outside the city limits and falls under the sherif or state police.

  16. 11:14 I believe you are a moron and do not know what you are talking about. Your crystal ball is malfunctioning.

  17. 8:29, I am sure no one will notice me digging up their front yard. Great strategy. Smoke another one

  18. Your solution is very very simple. VERY simple. Assemble a large number of people from your neighborhood and attend the next city cuncil meeting. Each of you stand uup and peacefully express your concerns and dissatisfaction with the law enforcement response. Video tape the things you see and ask to play the videos for the council members. Also record that portion of the council meeting and supply that video to the news media (Joe). Be persistent and things will get done. If you complain and nothing gets done...then you have a rash of crime, it will look bad on them. They don't want that.

  19. Judging by some of these comments, not even your 'friendly neighbors' care about you or your plight.

    Keep calling the police. Bug them. Call different agencies. Bug them. They will either do something or tell you to stop calling. THEN call your congressman and reps.

  20. Why should the police do anything? Judging by the comments on this blog most you don't want their involvement.

  21. Writer clearly cannot afford to move.


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