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Sunday, April 20, 2014


(SALISBURY, MD) – Investigators from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit are investigating a home invasion that left one dead and another injured early this morning in Salisbury.

The deceased victim is identified as Donald G. Mariner, 72, of the 27000-block of Pemberton Drive, Salisbury, Md. Mariner was pronounced dead at the scene by emergency medical personnel. His body will be taken to the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore for an autopsy.

The second victim is not being identified at this time due to concerns for his safety. He was transported by emergency medical personnel to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for treatment of injuries sustained during the home invasion.

The suspect is described as an African American male wearing a black hooded sweatshirt and blue jeans. Investigators are continuing to develop further leads regarding the suspect.

The investigation began just after 1:00 a.m. this morning, when troopers from the Salisbury Barrack along with officers from the Salisbury Police Department were dispatched to the 27000-block of Pemberton Drive in reference to a home invasion. When they arrived, troopers contacted the second victim who advised he had been assaulted with a blunt object. Troopers and officers continued to check the residence and found Donald Mariner injured. Emergency medical personnel were immediately requested. Once on the scene, medical personnel attempted to treat both victims. Mariner was pronounced dead by medical personnel, while the second victim was transported to Peninsula Regional Medical Center for further medical treatment.

Investigators from the Maryland State Police Homicide Unit have taken the lead in this investigation. Crime scene technicians from the Maryland State Police Crime Lab have responded and are collecting items of evidential value. Members of the Salisbury and Berlin Barracks Criminal Enforcement Divisions, Wicomico Sheriff Department, Wicomico Bureau of Investigations and Salisbury Police Department are assisting in the investigation.

Investigators are encouraging anyone with information concerning this home invasion to contact the Maryland State Police Salisbury Barrack at 410-749-3101. The Crime Solvers of the Lower Eastern Shore are offering a $2,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and indictment of the suspect. They can be contacted at 410-548-1776. Callers may remain anonymous.

The investigation is ongoing.


  1. So, are we to conclude that the suspect is still in the area?

  2. It's time the tax paying public put an end to the black hate crimes and form a citizen's posse to combat the threat.

    1. Nowhere Is It Said This Is A Hate Crime

  3. Don was a good guy helped out a lot at the Moose he will be missed.

  4. Salisbury is the Chicago of the Eastern Shore. Good folks don't stand a chance in that Librral, Progressive run cesspool.

  5. 6:07PM
    Get it started and I'll join it.

    1. Follower. Start It Yourself. That Is The Problem With This Country. No Gumption.

  6. These sub-human scum are without remorse or soul. Shoot first at my home. Let god sort them out. Sad day for once peaceful west side.

  7. They are creeping in like a cancer. Eventually happens in most neighborhoods over time. First come the rentals, the scumbags and their violent crime soon follow.

  8. Build more affordable housing for the thugs Salisbury. You keep asking for this crap in your city I am sorry to say

  9. What will RC Cordrey do about this I'm sure is ready for action against this scumbag thank you RC for all you do for this county

  10. This place is a joke. I moved here 3 years ago and i cant wait to get out. The crime rate is through the roof. They try to keep things quiet.

  11. I agree with comment about RC Cordrey. He is a fantastic law enforcement officer. He solve a case of mine. RC made contact with my neighbor (over barking dog.) They moved the next day, gone. thank you RC for you service.

  12. With all due respect, the location of this incident is NOT within the Salisbury City limits...it is county. While having more police can't be a bad thing, I don't know how this could have been prevented unless our court system didn't continually just slap the hands of drug dealers, users, thieves, assaulters, etc. Lock 'em up...it's the only way to either teach them to stop being criminals or to simply keep them off the streets!

  13. "the location of this incident is NOT within the Salisbury City limits"

    And where do you think the perpetrator came from? Of course he broke into the suburban house, there is nothing for him to take within "the Salisbury City limits."

  14. In Worcester county our cops are hard on thugs and the judges are even harder. That's why we don't have Wicomico's problems. The crime may have been outside the Bury's corporate limits, but it's still Bury regardless. Liberal cesspool indeed.

  15. Wow you people make me sick. A man is dead and all you can do is ramble on about the crime. Show a little respect to this man and his family. I pray they find peace in such troubling times. If anyone knows something and trust people know who did this make a call.

    To who ever did this you should be hung by the neck till dead in the downtown square. Remove the body once the buzzards have picked it clean. I can assure you it would deter crime. If caught stealing cut off one hand. The only thing muslims have going for them is the punishment they give criminals. No second chances there

  16. These scumbags should be publicly tortured and then executed.

  17. My prayers go out to the family. Sadly, the majority of the home invasions around here are drug related, or the perp knows the victim. I think there is more to this story.

  18. The hood is right around the corner , they take and steal what they want. We need to give them more money and entitlements , they must be running out of stuff.
    Take my guns with this crap going on , I don't think so.

  19. go back to public hangings. let the future punks see what will happen to them if they break the law. no sitting on death row for yrs... death penalty to murderers, rapists,thieves. let em hang there til their bodys separate from their heads.

  20. crime is down again this week.

  21. Joe, are there any updates to this story? People on the west side are on edge.

  22. Home invader my butt. Boy got some explaining to do.

  23. Mary Ashanti unless you speak out on this you condone the actions of the black hoodie wearing thugs that did this. You think it is so important to sweep black crime under the carpet and this is one of them. You are a dirt bag if you don't speak out against this.

  24. Something stinks to high hell here. I hope the cops can solve this one. The track record on murders in Salisbury, Wicomico is you have about a 95% chance of getting away it. Joe is this the national average or what. I appologize up front if I am wrong it just looks like no crimes are getting solved lately. Robberies, Murders, Bomb Threats what in the hell is going on. Do we need more cops if so get them. I would like to grow old


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