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Sunday, April 20, 2014

Michael Bloomberg Anounces He'll Spend $50 Million To Target The 2nd Amendment

Former New York City Mayor and radical left-wing bigwig, Michael Bloomberg, has a real problem with the 2nd Amendment. His long history of anti-gun activity is well established and his organization, Mayors Against Illegal Guns (MAIG), has been at the forefront of the fight to eliminate your right to own a firearm.

For an idea of how much he hates the concept of private citizens owning their own guns, we need look no further than his organization's membership rolls. In a little more than a year, nearly 50 mayors have abandoned MAIG. In February one of Bloomberg's former MAIG allies, Poughkeepsie Mayor John Tkazyik, turned on him and offered a possible reason for the defections. He announced that the group's true goal was not "common sense reforms" but actual firearm confiscation.



  1. An interesting and telling comment from the 2012 Reuter's article attached-and I hope once and for all people can see this was not about Bundy and unpaid fees. He stopped paying the fees as soon as he figured out, they wanted him and all the other rancher gone.

    "aug 31, 2012 4:08pm EDT --

    HoofHugs wrote:

    This is such an abuse of power, I do not know where to start. In defiance of federal law 92-195, USC 16, 16, 1331, the BLM has been gathering up wild horses off the Nevada range with a vengeance beginning in December of 2009 following the appointment of Ken Salazar as the Secretary of Interior.

    According to Senator Conrad Burns, it was Senator Reid who asked him to insert a rider into the 2004-2005 omnibus spending bill that would allow for the slaughter of wild horses and the ability for wild horses to be sold without limitation. The retreated to Senator Burns office to compose the rider, and as agreed upon, Senator Burns slipped this rider into the bill just prior to the vote. Since Senator Burns was chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, he could do this without calling attention to it. Both of these men knew that the Congress would never agree to the massive slaughter of America’s horses, but they had no moral compunction about putting the will of this one man over a law that was was passed uanamimously by Congress and upheld as constitutional by a unamimous decision of the Supreme Court.

    Meanwhile, there may be as many as 50-60,000 wild horses illegally removed from their herd management areas through the discretionary power granted to the Secretary of Interior in the 1971 law. Horses on the range cost the American tax payer $0. The BLM’s wild horse and burro program mismanaged in every way imaginable and in some ways not so imaginable has cost the tax payer millions of dollars to support a program that oprates above the law, without standards of scientific integrity, or any standards of integrity.

    It should come to no one’s surprise that Senator Reid made false and desperate charges from the Well of the Senate against the Republican nominee for President. He must be absolutely panicked that a new President would find his collusion with Secretary Salazar untenable. President Obama, who blindly supports anything green and who seems disconnected from the role that horses have played in the West and their possitive effects on the ecology, has allowed Senator Reid to do as he pleases as long as he stops legislation from going forward that the administration opposes.

    We have had a do nothing Senate for the past three years. If we had a budget process, perhaps someone might have spotted what was going on in Nevada before now.

    Now we know why Senator Reid has been so intent on roundup almost every wild horse in Nevada.

    We thought it was because of the Nevada Cattlemen’s Assocition and the Public Lands Council and their very small but well-fundered, poweful lobby. But now we now why new legislation to protect America’s Wild Horses and Burros never had a chance to see the light of day."

  2. And thats why they will never get my /our guns...our politcans no longer think they work for you and me ...or even for the good of AMERICANS

  3. Liberal politicians don't piss away their OWN money. Somebody (or somebodies) else is in the shadows. It's probably funded by soros and his one world order comrades. I'm sure there are some taxpayer dollars in there too, funneled in the back door through government grants or whatever other means necessary.

  4. I bet 50million Americans will buy ammo this week.... And I'll be one of them.

  5. Given the recent killings in a couple of different states with knives I am all for banning them as well so maybe Bloombuger should go after them too. He is great at spending money as long as it's not his. Too bad he has consumed so much liberal koolaide it's turned him and his group Idiots into witch hunters for the wrong cause.

  6. Bloomberg is a quack, and so is every single "mayor" in MAIG. Several of them have been brought up on firearm charges, themselves. Hypocrits. Bloomberg even has armed guards. Let's take theirs away first.

  7. I am so amused by people that want to ban guns, except for the people in their small army of guards and security. You and I? Flotsam on the surface of society.
    If you haven't been buying guns and ammo, you better start.
    You are quickly running out of time.
    Be ready to USE them, too. And don't ask a cop or a politician for their "permission". You don't need it.

  8. great 50 million employing Progressive troll activists -- easy money for people with no viable skills

  9. Treat guns like cars and driving. You must register it, take a class on operation, have a license and insure it; oh and you are liable for the gun. It sounds like a great compromise to me.

  10. 11:08-- any more capitulation on our Constitutional Rights you need to make yourself feel better??--Progressive means little by little and as far as I am concerned you are going way too far with the notion we have to give away anything

    Why don't you ask your President to stop hiring Private Contractor Military and Insurgents to kill other Human Beings you people seem to ignore.. until they land on the schedule of the 24/7 News Channels

  11. 11:42
    Why don't you bring a relevant point to the gun control discussion and save your attack on the president for a foreign policy discussion?

  12. 11:08 Driving a car is not a RIGHT. There should be zero registration, and certainly no laws prohibiting open or concealed carry. The 1st amendment gives you the RIGHT to post your dribble, please respect what the 2nd gives us. And, I bet you support the 4th. You can't cherry pick RIGHTS.

  13. I can't believe that people are sooo stupid that they do not take the time to educate themselves BEFORE they open their mouths and look like IDIOTS!

    @11:08 guns are treated that way! We do have to register them, take a class, if you are smart you insure it, and oh yeah you are liable for it! Oh yeah here are a few more things that we are required to do: PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK, BE FINGERPRINTED!

    As far as the THUGS, GANGS, AND CRIMINALS do they do any of that? NO! Do they CARE? NO! Do they get caught - not always! But let me inform you of this - IF you are a registered gun owner, and your gun is used to commit any crime - and you have not reported your gun stolen - THE GUN OWNER IS STILL HELD RESPONSIBLE ALSO!!!!!

  14. 1:06
    Yea that's because cars didn't exist when they wrote the Constitution. You can bet your butt they'd be a right if it was re-written today.

    And you are RIGHT, you can't just cherry pick RIGHTS. I was just talking about the issue of the thread: the 2nd amendment. I wish some people understood that about other issues (like gay-marriage) as well!

  15. He want's to take guns from women that need to protect themselves and their children .

  16. 2:06 A car would not have been a right, come on now. Cars are not a necessity. Guns are a right, as a means to defend ourselves. I also support gay marriage, I support freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the like. There is no reason for ANYONE, individual or government, to tell anyone How they should live, WHAT they can/can't own, WHO they can be with, etc.

  17. Anonymous said...
    Why don't you bring a relevant point to the gun control discussion and save your attack on the president for a foreign policy discussion?

    April 17, 2014 at 12:59 PM

    What president? If you claim him as your president then you are an ignorant idiot!!

  18. Someone needs to put an ounce of lead between his two eyebrows.


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