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Sunday, April 13, 2014


Located in a public restroom near you.

Now the County Executive can send out their goons to all the bars and restaurants around the County but just as soon as one is taken down, another one pops up. So be careful business owners, the graffiti police may be knocking on your door very soon.  


  1. I'm no Rick Pollitt fan, but is vandalizing local business really the best way to get this message across?

  2. Destruction of property, real nice. Sometimes your enemies make the best case for you.

  3. I had a healthy Pollitt this morning.

  4. Wonder which bathroom Mayor Ireton will use when that homosexual bathroom law goes in effect

  5. I can't imagine why people want to hang out in a public bathroom writing & reading graffiti. Get in, do your business, wash your hands, get out.

  6. 12:28 You show your ignorance, transgender and homosexual are not the same thing, not even close.

  7. Seems to me that SBY news is encouraging this behavior simply by reporting it. How many more bathroom graffiti photos are we going to see in the coming days?

  8. A man dressing as a woman a woman dressing as man and getting sex changes is not normal just as being a homosexual is not normal. I for one would not want my children using the same bathroom as those perverts. Or some rapist using the same bathroom as my wife.

  9. ...and this silly childish playing will change things how??? ...won't be so funny when you are fined for graffitti will it? Of course you can blame SBYNews for giving you the idea in the first place...

  10. If a man identifies as a woman, dresses as a woman and act likes at woman then they are looking for a man not a woman or girl. An estimated 3.5% of adults in the United States identify as lesbian, gay,or bisexual and an estimated 0.3% of adults are transgender. The population of MD is 5.88 million. So they are approximately 205800 gay/lesbian/bi persons and 17640 transgender persons in MD. Dollars to donuts the majority of them are in metro areas like Baltimore and not Salisbury. Odds are you will never see one in a bathroom in Salisbury. There are 517 per 100,000 people registered as sex offenders in DE. Statistically, you should be more worried about people from DE.

  11. Nice !!!! What loser did this lol. Hang in there Big Ricky.

    As for the third bathroom conflict WTF is this world coming to.

  12. You all will rot in hellApril 11, 2014 at 4:38 PM

    That is in the NEW TRANSGENDER BATHROOM or the NO-SEX TYPE Bathrooms popping up all over thanks the Democrat GAY LOVERS

  13. 1:01 Just remember if you have kids they will have perverts for company when they use the rest room. Call it what you want, a pervert is a pervert.

  14. 6:15 Yes they will and it is most likely a relative or family friend and not a stranger or a gay or transgender person.

  15. Meanwhile, Say no to Pollitt.


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