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Sunday, April 13, 2014

ATTENTION MARYLANDER'S !! Green Light Is A Go........


MD. State Militia Is Seeking All Able Body Men/Women To Aid Support & Security To The Bundy Ranch In Bunkerville, Nevada.

BCCM, Is currently seeking all able men/women who are believers in our freedoms, and what our constitution stands for. Right now as we speak Militia members from around the U.s are moving in to aid support & security to the Bundy Ranch.

An area just outside of the little town of Bunkerville, Nevada, with a population of around a thousand people, may go down in history. It has been reported that tensions were running high outside of Bunkerville. It seems that the US government, in all of their infinite wisdom, has declared war on a cattle rancher named Cliven Bundy. In a stand-off that has been likened to Ruby Ridge and Waco, the federal government has now deployed armed agents in a case of what the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM) has deemed “trespass cattle,” escalating a 20-year battle over grazing rights and what actually constitutes “public land” use in Southern Nevada.

Armed federal officers have arrived to steal Bundy’s cattle and close down the land he is using. What’s more, they have declared a zone around the area to be free of the restrictions of the Constitution, specifically, the First Amendment right to assemble and speak freely. They’d like to keep their reprehensible actions quiet and out of the public eye. It’s really difficult to mow down a bunch of protesters ala Waco with the whole world watching.
Yesterday, tensions began to rise even further and numerous protestors were tazed and assaulted. (You can see the actions of those brave BLM officers on this video HERE).

It looks like tensions will rise even further because Americans have had enough. Militias are being mobilized. It’s going to get real.

The Federal government will no doubt step up their efforts, as they are facing the possibility of a widespread rebellion resulting from their actions against a private citizen whose only “crime” was to graze his cattle on the land his family has used for this purpose for over a century. It would not be at all surprising to see the President of the United States call up National Guard troops and more militarized law enforcement officials for fear of having this spiral out of control. A declaration of martial law to go along with already established First Amendment Areas is not out of the question.
We may well be on the cusp of a serious stand-off involving thousands of people. Keep in mind that most of them will be armed !

We are seeking all able men & women who wish to volunteer. Right now we are looking to recruit up to, (100) Minutemen to travel to NV.

a) The MD, militia of the United States is seeking all able-bodied males/females at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States

b) Md militia is also seeking those who volunteer be willing to aid Gear, Vehicles(Vans/Tucks), Food/Water, And Medical supply's for our troops

c) We are currently seeking serving military, veterans, peace officers, and Emt/firefighters who will fulfill the oath they swore to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic....

d) For Patriots Willing To Volunteer, Please Report In A Message Via (FaceBook Or Email) Please in your response, Giver your Name, Age, Gender, Statues (Current Military/Vet,Peace Officer And Or Emt/Firefighter) Skill Sets & Assets You Are Willing To Provide To The MD. State Militia

e) All Volunteers Will Be Asked To Swear An Oath, Those who do not uptake on this oath will NOT BE ALOUD TO SERVE IN THE MD. STATE MILITIA ! All volunteers will be briefed on Rules Of Engagement

America Needs You Now More Then Ever, Don't sit back and watch another Ruby Ridge/Waco Event Unfold !

Sincerely, SGT Rush Of The Maryland State Militia
Tyranny Response Team

Contact info/intell
Email- mdstatemilitia@yahoo.com

Videos/Intel- More can be found all over the web



  1. He really should use spell check when writing something like this. ( aloud=allowed)

    Militias already have a bad image without him contributing to it.

    Other than that, balls to the wall guys.

  2. Hey Shorty, time to get your A$$ kicked...Our Constituion is the ANSWERApril 11, 2014 at 2:50 PM

    We are on the way...hopefully some of the A-holes in DC will be there when we arrive....

  3. Welcome to the New World Order where there is limited freedom and everyone is FORCED to do what the government feels it knows best.Remember what our founding fathers told us about government.

  4. is there anyone else think that this could all be a setup to get most of the militias and patriots in one remote area and eliminate the threat of alot of militias and patriots? so when the crap hits the fan at home they wont be there?

  5. I believe you will see more of this in the future.

  6. Everyone talks big on the blog but how many are going to join the cause? LOL!

  7. "Land he is using". Not land he owns. It's Federal land and has been since Nevada joined the Union in the 1800s.

    He has no right to raise his for-profit cattle on public lands. He does not pay property tax on that land nor does he have a deed to it. If he can use it, then everybody in the US has the same right to make a living off of Government owned land.

    I've got dibs on Assateague.

    1. Actually, the family does have documented grazing rights. Research before you speak/type.

      Another thing, just because he doesn't pay property tax does not mean he does not pay taxes. Federal land is paid for and maintained by WE THE PEOPLE, not the federal government.

  8. Wait until the native American indians (not illegal aliens like all white people) figure out that they are the owners of all land that the BLM claims.

    1. They don't have to figure it out, they already know what is and what was theirs until people like Harry Reid came on the scene.

  9. Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch SEE DRUDGE REPORT

  10. You know, 5:29, I might be inclined to agree with you if this same government bothered to enforce our borders. Surely, you must see the incredible injustice here. These bastards will spare no expense hounding this poor guy to hell. But the same govt won't enforce the law against millions of illegal aliens. Are you seeing the problem here?

  11. I'm over 45 and would have no problem going but., unless section 313 of title 32 says something profound, I'm guessing us VietNam vets aren't being asked.

  12. What a bunch of crap...

  13. wow , comments while on the toilet!

  14. GOD I wish you would 2:50. Then our actual military could take care of you treasonous terrorists once and for all.

    1. Militia are treasonous terrorists? Get your head out of Obama's a$$.

  15. "Treasonous", 8:35? You certain that you know the meaning of the word? I would prefer to think that our 'actual military' might have some qualms about who to support if/when the SHTF.

  16. Hey morons the story is over.... you all can go back to the nothing you were doing before.....

  17. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    GOD I wish you would 2:50. Then our actual military could take care of you treasonous terrorists once and for all.

    April 12, 2014 at 8:35 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Hey morons the story is over.... you all can go back to the nothing you were doing before.....

    April 12, 2014 at 3:42 PM

    Are you two related? Or maybe the same 'moron', to use your words.

    This event is not over, and if you think the people would allow another Kent state atrocity, or Waco, or Ruby Ridge, to go unpunished and unavenged, you are highly mistaken.

    The people in this country, or at least the ones who remember what this country used to be, are finally fed up with the illegal, unethical, abusive actions of ALL types of government and the various agencies that make up ALL forms of government. From the white house on down to the corrupt local cops.

    As the saying goes, you ain't seen nothing yet.

  18. 9:20, we have a word for people like you and your boy Tim McVeigh: TERRORISTS. And if you want war with Americans you are a treasonous terrorist. Is that clear enough for you?

  19. "Anonymous said...
    "Land he is using". Not land he owns. It's Federal land and has been since Nevada joined the Union in the 1800s.

    He has no right to raise his for-profit cattle on public lands. He does not pay property tax on that land nor does he have a deed to it. If he can use it, then everybody in the US has the same right to make a living off of Government owned land.

    I've got dibs on Assateague.

    April 11, 2014 at 5:29 PM"

    You are incorrect. Bundy's arrangement as it relates to this land predates BLM's and the feds involvement. They arrived much later and keep on systematically changing the details which has subsequently driven all the other cattle ranchers out of the area. It has not been federally owned since the 1880's. He does pay taxes on it, to Clarke County NE and he pays to them what is known as a "maintenance fee." His family paid for and own the water and forage rights on this land and yes, they are deeded with property he owns and they can be transferred along with his own property if he ever sells it.
    What he is not paying is a "grazing fee" to the BLM. This "fee" was implemented on those who supposedly "disturb tortoise habitat on public land."
    This irony isn't lost on those of us who have been aware that the BLM has been systematically executing these tortoises for some time now. In CA as a matter of fact, to make the terrain more suitable for a solar energy plant. The BLM and other federal agencies as of March 2014 are being challenged in court by the Defenders of Wildlife over this practice.

  20. 11:33 - how do you feel about this issue now that Harry Ried's corruption has been exposed. Are you finally starting to get an idea who the real terrorists and traitors are?

  21. Time for all of you sissies to put your money where your mouth is.Gear up and forward ho.

  22. "Anonymous said...
    "Land he is using". Not land he owns. It's Federal land and has been since Nevada joined the Union in the 1800s."

    How it worked was, when Nevada was formed (as well as many other Western states) people were offered (by the state but overseen and promoted by the 2 US agencies-the General Land Office & the US Grazing Service) the use of the land's natural resources as a way to get people to settle out West. People did purchase those rights including grazing rights, mineral rights, etc but not the property, which they could have purchased as well but most were already taking a chance and couldn't afford to purchase much actual land. Evidently the Bundy family purchased theirs in the 1880's, after buying what land they could afford and started cattle farming.
    Much of this land went unclaimed though and ended up being unofficially "owned" by the Dept of the Interiour because individual western states at that point in time were cash strapped and didn't want the land. This is when the Bureau of Land Management was formed (1940's) which combined the 2 above mentioned agencies. All the land being overseen by those 2 agencies was then considered federal land.

  23. There are many gray areas concerning these areas designated "public land." Even the federal government stops short of calling them government or federally owned. What is set in stone, is that most states do recognize either through laws or statutes,codes or the state constitution that the federal gov't does have authority over land designated public (not to be confused with a park such as Assateague or a recreation area) that are managed by the BLM a division of the Dept. of the Interior.
    Mexico gave the area to the US. The US divided up the land, and formed states. As mentioned above the state and federal gov't collaborated to entice settlors to the remote desert area.
    When property was purchased, "allotments" consisting of parcels adjoining purchased land could also be purchased. These were to follow the landowners deed.
    These particular allotments have been in dispute for some time, and makes it clear why the federal gov't stops short of saying they own the land. Back in the 1990's an environmental organization filed a notice of intent to sue the BLM and the US Fish and Wildlife as well as Clark county, NV. In short it was over the tortoise habitat.
    It was agreed that the allotments would be purchased back and retired. The federal gov't then claimed it wasn't up to them to buy back the allotments because it was the state at the time who sold them or something along those lines and it fell to Clark County to pay nearly $400,000 to ranchers and other property owners to buy them back and retire them.
    It's interesting to note, that the majority of NV overwhelmingly consists of land designated public, as well as many other western states. Congress has periodically entertained selling some off to the ranchers and other interested parties but this always falls short.

  24. The thought is that if many of these areas considered public were put back under control of the states, and leased out to the public, we would see the biggest boom in the economy yet.
    The State of NV did, last year form a task force, who have been meeting regularly and expect recommendations to be forthcoming in Sept of this year, regarding -among other things- having once and for all these public lands legally transferred to the state. I think what kind of happened was they ended up in the hands of the feds by default.
    Regardless of whether you think Bundy is right or wrong, this task force was working towards a reasonable solution and there was absolutely no reason for a show of force by the feds at this point in time. The feds should have waited it out, until reviewing what this task force came up with.

  25. I believe it was more than 50 of these allotments the county purchased back from all of the ranchers except for Bundy. This is why he has referred to himself as the Last Cowboy Standing. What others need to remember is that the ranchers made huge investments in this land. It's desert and just the watering systems alone, cost a ton of money to install and upkeep.
    If anyone ever has the chance go and see how these cattle ranches operate because they are dying out due to the hard work involved and corporate factory farming taking over, do so.
    Anyway the cattle are free to roam 100's of acres or more all sectioned off with fence rows, that are changed periodically to prevent overgrazing. Live stock guardian breed dogs numbering several dozen, usually Great Pyrenees are in with the cattle to ward off predators such as coyotes and bears. Border collies or another herding breed are present as well. They aren't let out lose with the cattle but are put to work when moving cattle to another area. The ranchers go and account for the dogs on a daily basis, feed them and make sure shots and fleas/tick meds are applied. These dogs can be used as a tax writeoff and are protected under the right to farm act if and when their barking becomes a nuisance to the "come theres" that may complain. Just tending to the dogs is a job, not to mention the 1000 head or so of cattle. The terrain is rough and the preferred mode of travel is on horseback. The whole family is involved whether it's the woman who keep records of all the animals health records and other necessary book keeping or the children who have to bottle feed a calf around the clock for what ever reason or train puppies to be good herders or herd guardians.

  26. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:20, we have a word for people like you and your boy Tim McVeigh: TERRORISTS. And if you want war with Americans you are a treasonous terrorist. Is that clear enough for you?

    April 13, 2014 at 11:33 AM

    It's clear to me you have issues. Good luck to you, you will need it.


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