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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Illegally Parked BMW Smashed By Boston Firefighters Was Brand New

A man who ignored a fire hydrant put Boston firefighters at risk Wednesday night. The man who parked his new BMW in front of a fire hydrant slowed the battle to save East Boston homes.

Firefighters were forced to smash the windows and thread the fire hose through the car.

The fire on Lexington Street grew to eight alarms before crews were able to get control. No one was hurt, but nearly three dozen people have to find a new place to live.

The man had just bought the BMW and the registration was just two days old. He also got a $100 fine.

“He was mad,” Rafael Henriquez said.


  1. Boston FD will end up paying for damage minus fine for parking at hydrant.

  2. Insurance will not pay for this damage! That's a fact!
    Also 10:46 , the fire dept . is not liable and does not have to pay , that was an idiot comment.

  3. I see smashing out the windows, but why is there a large dent in the side of the car? Looks like the hero firefighters handed out some extra "justice"

  4. 710 We have an 8 alarm fire so let's be careful not to dent this guy's vehicle who illegally parked and blocking the hydrant. If you read the entire article they physically had to pick up and move the vehicle so they could have full access to the hydrant. It would not have gotten dented in the first place if Mr. BMW didn't think he was so entitled and could park wherever he thought he could.

  5. yeah well......he deserved it!!


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