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Saturday, April 12, 2014

Eric Holder’s Race-Baiting Attack on Congress

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder played the race card in front a friendly audience at the annual convention of Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network, held in New York on April 9th. He complained that members of Congress seeking to hold him accountable for his gross dereliction of duty were engaging in “unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive” attacks on him and the Obama administration. He delivered this poppycock a day after he sparred with Republican congressmen over his truth-challenged behavior.

“The last five years have been defined by significant strides and by lasting reforms even in the face, even in the face of unprecedented, unwarranted, ugly and divisive adversity,” Holder said. “If you don’t believe that, you look at the way — forget about me, forget about me. You look at the way the attorney general of the United States was treated yesterday by a House committee — has nothing to do with me, forget that. What attorney general has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment? What president has ever had to deal with that kind of treatment?”



  1. IMO, neither him nor Nobama could have stooped any lower. I mean really. I know of more black folks in professional and high profile jobs than ever before in our nations history. The President himself was elected with a white majority.

    So really, RACISM? Are you kidding? Are you really effing kidding me?
    Creepy. It's creepy.

  2. When you lie, you are a liar.

    Black, white, red, yellow, you're a liar.


    Either live with the name, or change your ways.

  3. In times like the present , men should say nothing for which they would not be willingly be responsible through time and eternity.


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