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Sunday, April 20, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Food Lion

Good morning Joe,

Just wanted to tell you about my experience at Food Lion Tillman ROAD this am. My wife is under the weather so guess who got to go grocery shopping today. I am an early riser so I was at the store shortly after opening. Did the normal routine, couldn’t find bacon bits so I asked an associate, well no clue so I said forget it. Very low choice of beef roast and I mean standard chuck roast as they had two! Needed about a 3 pound roast however my wife had wrote on my list 3lbs. Found no one to help me so I bought another cut that was large enough. Everything else was normal.

Got to the checkout and they rung the groceries up and the last item was some matches. Joe they asked me for ID. Joe I am 70 years old!!! They said it didn’t matter if I want the matches id required. The manager happened to walk by and the cashier asked as she was walking by she never stopped just shrugged her shoulders and kept going. Joe I really wanted to leave and go somewhere else but I didn’t because of time restraints. This policy pertains to any restricted items such as cigs and alcohol and who knows what else. I know the policy was put in place because they got caught selling something that was age restricted and probably paid a hefty fine. I told them that I would never be back and I mean it The cashier just gave me that whatever look! Very Poor Management!!!

Not at all customer friendly. If a cashier at some point sold an age restricted item the answer is NOT TO PUNISH the public but to find some other way so that their employees don’t do that.

Food Lions policy is right there with BAN ALL THE GUNS because of a few individuals use them in an unlawful way! Here I come Giant! Yes your prices are a little higher but in return you have a great selection and excellent customer service, and WalMart for other certain things.


  1. You're offended at being carded? I would feel young and happy. lol.

    Not sure why you're so mad about this, nor why this is posted.

  2. The prices at Food Lion are much higher than Giant or Walmart. I only go there if I have to pick up one or two things, I don't do my shopping there. It's a waste of money.

  3. the person who made the above comment is a prefect example of what a sheeple is.

  4. not going to defend food lion at all. however it is their policy
    to now card everyone, or they will lose their job. if you buy alcohol, not only card you, but the manager has to come over and approve it.
    although their products and service i agree are not good. because of the alcohol stings, etc. they have strict requirements on checking out people buying things.

  5. Poor thing had to go out and do a woman's job........can you get any more sexist than this guy?!

    I am certainly glad you have decided to take a stand over something so very important. NOT!

    If you stopped and thought about what the policy is actually in place for, you might actually feel pretty stupid. The policy is in place to prevent minors from purchasing tobacco products which are harmful, which may come as a shock to you. By not carding everyone who purchases tobacco or smoking accessories it could be construed as age discrimination don't you think?

    Also, chances are, you will be carded at either Walmart or Giant as well. Maybe you should stop being a sexist pig and venture out to help your wife on occasion, not just when she is unable.

  6. We have shopped Food Lions locally - Salisbury, Delmar, Ocean City - and Eastern North Carolina and have found this store to be the absolute worst in customer service, has an atrocious meat department, and generally has cashiers lacking in both personality and intelligence.

    To the poster who thinks a 70 YO being carded for buying matches is acceptable, you really need to move to a country where your every thought and action is controlled by the government and you aren't allowed any sense of human action. Cuba comes to mind as one of the most progressive.

  7. 9:27 Did you learn a new word and had to find a place to use it? I will not pay more for something I can get cheaper some where else.I work hard for my money, and I will not waste it on something just because of the name.

  8. We always avoided Giant because we thought it was more expensive. We have since learned that Giant is by far cheaper than anywhere else and if you use the gas points you can really save on fuel.

    As for the ID issue I would also advice staying away from Buffalo Wild Wings if being asked for ID bugs you. You have to show your ID each time they derve you a drink.

    So if you order a beer you show your ID. If you decide to have another beer you show you ID a second time and so on..

  9. Obviously, you don't shop much. Monday morning shelves are bare due to weekend shopping. One never goes early on a Monday morning. I don't know about this Food Lion, but the one in Fruitland is a great place to shop. They always have the brands I want and are much cheaper than Giant. I don't shop Walmart unless I'm desperate.

  10. Wow, I shop at the Tilghman Road Food Lion every week and have never encountered a problem. If it's their policy to card everyone, then she was just doing her job. I have never met an unfriendly employee there. Also, if it was early in the morning then maybe they hadn't finished putting the meat out. Quit complaining about people that are just doing their job. P.S. Sorry you couldn't find your bacon bits but I don't think that's anything to whine about. I wish that were my biggest problem.

  11. 9:27, Giant is the most expensive grocery store in Salisbury. Not sure how you came up with your comment.

  12. To Pragmatic:

    My wife likes to do the groceries and was disappointed that I had to go for her. We've been married 35 years and I can only wonder how your making out in that area. Every where you look people want ID!! When it is so obvious that someone is old enough what's the point!! our freedoms and our rights are disappearing faster than you probably know. By the way I don't get carded at Walmart or Giant! Common sense!! Ask for the manager at Food Lion and see how long it takes.

  13. I was at Tractor Supply a week ago, and the clerk said that she was required to card me (I am 64) when I bought A small bottle of consumer pesticide. I laughed and so did she ( will not say if I was required to actually do it in order to protect her). I believe she said it was a company policy not a governmental one. But, she thought it was ironic that I could gave purchased a large quantity of fertilizer (which could be used to make you know what) and she did not have to ask me anything!

  14. I would love to get my grocery shopping out of the way and go first thing in the morning. The problem is though esp on Monday mornings the picking are slim including in and not limited to the meat and produce sections. Harris Teeter doesn't even open their seafood counter until 10am, though the store itself opens at 7am.
    As far as 9:32's statement "By not carding everyone who purchases tobacco or smoking accessories it could be construed as age discrimination don't you think?" NO-not by anyone's stretch of the imagination can not carding everyone be construed as age discrimination, so let's not even go to such absurd lengths to defend this policy.

  15. If FoodLion would properly educate their employees - including PROPER TAM Education classes - then they would not have ever had to implement this BS Policy! How is the customer's fault or problem that a cashier did not properly do their job of carding a customer! So now when you make a purchase - alcohol, tobacco, or lighters or matches you now have to give your ID to a cashier, and then WAIT until A MANAGER decides to INVESTIGATE! HA HA! They hold up the line forever just waiting for a manager!

  16. There's no need to be too careful not to offend this guy.No one will ever roll out the red carpet ahead of him or sprinkle rose pedals at his feet.Each and every one of us encounter inconveniences on a daily basis.Expecting that is being prepared for it.

  17. 9:47 actually they re-stock sunday into monday morning. I think Food Lion is one of the worst markets period. Giant hands down is the best locally. Try going to Harris Teeter it will ruin you. That is a grocery store. We need one is Salisbury it would crush everyone. Cooked whole rack of ribs 7.95 on weekends and they are the bomb. The deli beats all of the local stores. Its in Delaware on 54.

  18. 10:01

    I am going to have to send Joe some reciepts to post to prove I am not BSing.

    Giant is not cheap unless you use their specials. When you combine the specials with Gas points you really save.

    My wife always gets max gas points which equals to $2.20 off a gallon of gas. When we fill up we take both cars. Sometimes our son follows along also.

    With Gas points you get a max of 35 gallons with a max of $2.20 off per gallon.

    I manage to fill my car up and my wife fills hers up which equals on average about 27 gallons. Our son then takes the remaining 8 gallons in his car.

    So 35 gallons on the current price of $3.59 = 125.65 now you subtract the $2.20 off per gallon and you get $48.65.

    Now that's $48.65 for two full tanks and 8 gallons in our son's car. We saved $77.00 off of our fuel bill. That is a huge savings.

    If you follow the adds they have there are many items you get double gas points on. So if you stock up on those items its easy to build up gas points.

    We fill up about every 2 weeks and we often have max gas points each time so we are saving about $150.00 a month on our gas by shopping at Giant.

    I have been telling my wife she needs to setup a class to show people how they can save in this way. ultimately you do have to pay attention to the deals but they are worth it.

    Is Giant perect ? hell no. They really shot themselves in the foot by having their cuts of meat shipped in from PA instead of cutting it in house. The quality has dropped since then. I do go where I save the most and the savings still make up for that despite bone headed moves on their part.

  19. I went shopping Sunday morning not Monday morning.

  20. 10:35
    I agree with you about the ribs! We drove up there a few weeks ago and we bought some to try. They were very good! I couldn't believe the price. Some of their things are also expensive but they also have awesome sales and if you do it right there is usually coupons you can use on the items already on sale. They also had lobsters on sale for $6.98 a pound. I have never seen it that cheap anywhere.
    I used to shop at Giant all the time but since they changed the store manager the store IMO has gone down. I haven't been in there in months.
    I just wish Harris Teeter wasn't so far away.

  21. A lot of you are missing the point!

    It was the attitude of the cashier and the manger who never stopped but just shrugged her shoulders and kept going that caused me to pause.

  22. Bacon bits are on Isle 2 just FYI for next time

  23. I don't think anyone has missed the point. You sir are a whiner, let the people do their jobs as directed.

  24. wow I wish I had so little stuff going on in my life that I could really get excited about something as petty and trivial as this. Damn dude, you're 70 years old, you think you would have learned how to not sweat the small stuff by now. Get excited about the government spying on you or how the politicians are enriching themselves at your expense! Or the fact the politicians are spending your grandchildren's future, what a freaking idiot!
    Here's an idea ever thought about buying a lighter?

  25. Gotta love pragmatic and their "sexist" comment. Pragmatic is the product of liberal brainwashing. Everything is sexist, racist, discrimination and on down the line.
    And how very much Pragmatic is the liberal obeying slave as to question what one person feels is important and dismiss it off as unimportant. That's not your place Pragmatic and for your own good don't your every forget it.
    It's quite clear you are the product also of a public school "education" where the finer points of thinking and thinking forwardly are nonexistence. Prudent people know what's not important to them today may be important to them in the future.

  26. 10:01 AM I also find Giant's prices higher. Giant is not generally in my line of driving so I only go there when in need of an item not found in other local groceries.

    I shop Food Lion in Fruitland or Princess Anne (on Wednesday when new specials are advertised) and find all the employees very polite and helpful.

    I also shop Walmart in Fruitland. with money I actually earn by having a job, so don't you anti walmarteons be thinking up crazy comments against me.

    Now "Mr Put upon I got carded for matches" complainer. Be happy to still be on God's good earth for carding. You must be one unhappy sole to be so picky as to STOP shopping at Food Lion over a box of matches. Get a life, laugh a little over life's experiences. Oh and don't worry about Food Lion no longer counting on you as a customer. Makes it easier on the employees, when grumpy old men quit being a customers.

    Let us hear your continuing saga if there are huge problems while trying to buy matches in other grocery stores.

  27. Maybe the cashier and the manager had an "I don't care" attitude regarding the CUSTOMER'S attitude about being carded. It's the store policy to card everyone! Can you imagine how many people fuss and complain about it to them every day?! I'm sure they are tired of customers attitudes toward them!

  28. Pragmatic (9:32) - Yes carding those who look you is in fact age discrimination - just like the law requires. They need to discriminate against minors to comply. Elderly folks ain't gonna git 'em in trouble.

    Further, most relationships divide chores up between partners. Often grocery shopping is a chore assumed by women, just like home repairs and car maintenance are chores assumed by men. To attack those who choose to do things that way is a rather sexist remark in itself.

  29. Someone getting this worked up about getting carded for matches, to the point of even writing this letter, has some anger issues that need work.

  30. 11:27, I completely agree with you. I go to this particular Food Lion every week and almost enjoy the dreaded chore of grocery shopping because the employees are very friendly and helpful. The girl with the dark hair behind the deli counter is our favorite--always smiling and ready to help.

  31. To 9:47 food lion in fruitland is awesome! Whenever I walk in the cashiers always greet me with a friendly hello! There is always a manager within arms reach. Whenever I ask for an item I can't find they are alway ready to take me right to the item! If it were mandatory for carding on certain items then there would be no excuse not to card an individual. My husband and I are 57 and both of us gave a chuckle when the server at Buffalo Wild Wings asked for our id when we ordered a beer! Unless you complain to the corporate office about a particular store they don't know a customer has a problem. I have contacted corporate about the fruitland store....COMPLEMENTING them on how wonderful the employees in this store are!

  32. The "anger" issues - 11:27- are more in the category of frustration. I am 85 with all the signs of that age. Why am I required to show my driver's license to prove I am over 18 and eligible to buy a can of spray paint?? Stupidity reigns.

  33. 11:02 Asking for ID for every little thing is a way of government spying. Those of us who value their privacy above all else, don't even use those savings club cards or whatever they are called.

  34. And they want you to raise their minimum wage.....

  35. The Harris Teeter on Rt 54 is just over a mile from my house. I'm familiar with the store because they were in VA close to 20 years now and I used to go to one there. There is nothing really that special or different about them. They sell the same thing as anywhere else. Grocery stores are regional in that they adjust to where they are located. In Middleburg area, VA's hunt country, you will see more space appropriated for wine and dog related products since the area can support more.

  36. I like bacon bits......

  37. If you have a problem with ANY store, call management and/or corporate offices. They can't fix anything if they don't know it's broken.

    Everyone has their favorite store and you probably won't convince them otherwise, and will probably be attacked for disparaging 'their' store, as they see it as a personal attack on them.

    You only need to read these comments to see that.

    Some ID. card checking policies are ridiculous, but I imagine they are in place to protect themselves for the employee's lackadaisical methods of checking ID. so they make everyone check ID. on everyone since they can't trust the opinions or age determination skills of employee's.

    You sir, are from a time most people never knew existed. Courteous and friendly service by people who actually appreciated you and your 'business', for lack of a better word I can't recall right now.

    As one said, they even expect bad service so it continues and grows. Manners and social graces are no longer the norm in most cases.

  38. First of all for all of you beating up this poor 70-year-old man for feeling offended about getting carded for matches, SHAME ON YOU. You clearly missed the entire point all together. Think how you would feel if was your father or grandfather, you would be the first one shouting from the rooftops. It was the "Oh well" attitude of the cashier and the manager that blows my mind, the manager especially. They have the ability to override such transactions and should have moved it forward. It's called having common decency and respect.

  39. Actually ID checking is an unconscionable and racist practice and needs to be universally banned - at least according to Barack & Eric.

  40. I think ID's for obviously over 21 people---parents, elderly.. is insane. Europe does not do this for the most part and they do not have the drinking problems we do

    Nanny state.. I would rather spend my money elsewhere and enjoy life instead of spending it at these Commie places...

    I would never give my ID for buying matches.. ever--I would let her ring up my entire order and then leave---let them return all the items to the shelf!!!

  41. The Fruitland Food Lion must have a different staff working when I go in there. I've never seen them greet anyone and they are usually talking back and forth amongst themselves ignoring the customer in front of them. That is, if there are 2 employees at checkout. Sometimes you are lucky if there are 2 lines open. And on what I buy, I can save at Giant, no question.
    The poor guy who was carded about matches could have at least gotten an explanation by the manager as to why this was happening, not just a rude shoulder shrug! Do they have up signs warning their customers that they need I.D. for certain items? Put some up at the door and checkout so they will be aware.

  42. 1:04, there are large signs about the ID check that are impossible to miss at the checkout lanes at that store. The customer stated that he was told the ID was for the matches, so they didn't just give him a shoulder shrug. It's the stores policy, and as a previous commenter stated, don't sweat the small stuff....


    1. I have to agree here about the managers. I shop at one regularly in oak hall and needed to use a courtesy phone because Id left my cell at home. It was the night the Antares blew up and I wanted to call my husband to stop him from trying to drive home into traffic. Anyway I asked a supervisor named Leesa to use the phone and she just stared at me like a robot and barked at me "is it local?" I said sure. Then she looked at my clothes as if she was judging my character before deciding to let me use the phone. I have no doubt that a white woman wearing a fleece jacket and jeans would have been treated to coldly just for asking to use the phone during an alarming situation. I think she was power tripping because when I asked to see a manager she balked while she "sweetly" chatted with a white couple. She even called the man darling at one point. Then she went to get the manager and closed the door behind her I suppose to filter her story before I spoke with her. She was nasty and rude to me but nice to the white couple. Thats racist pure and simple. Maybe she shouldnt be working with the public with the personality of an Android programmed for rudeness to black people.

  44. 12:32 PM I would not be feeling bad for my Pa or GrandPa. They both would be laughing their heads off, while telling all their family and friends, about being carded. Neither would have written a "letter to the editor" of SaLisbury News complaining.

    This world needs more laughter not growling. If the gentlemen who had this experience wrote the letter in a different tone, there would be no comments calling him out but lots of smiles and laughter from the readers.

    I expect the clerk and manager attitudes were a reflection of his.

  45. Don't sweat the petty things... Pet the sweaty things!

  46. I gave up on Fruitland Food Lion; clerks always talking amongst themselves, even during the transaction. Rude, & none can be bothered to say thank you @ the end of the sales transaction, even when it was brought to the attention of the store manager. Poor business practice, to put it lightly. & don't even get me started on Walmart! Get great deals @ Giant,double coupons up to .75 face value, save a ton of $ on fuel, cashiers are pleasant & they thank you for shopping w/them. Win!!

  47. The author grew up in an era where people treated each other with respect and courtesy.

    The Tilghman St store is the pits. They go through cashiers like they toilet paper. One week a couple of years ago, they had 4 or 5 cashiers all quit the same week.

    Management is short sighted and lacks common sense.

    He has a point.

    But I see the typical simple small town small minded blogosphere commenters are out in force today, typing with fury just to hear themselves.

  48. why didnt you have your ID on you?

  49. Here's a bit of inside info .....when carding people we card all that appear under forty. If they are over forty in appearance we can enter a pseudo date based on appearance. If they look 60 then the date is 11/11/60. Food Lion is well known for poor training and aloof management.

  50. An inconvenience, but not a big deal. Get over it and move on.

  51. All it would take is a little common courtesy and respect from the manager to explain this "questionable" ID policy to the customer. After all, these customers who shop in your store for groceries are the reason you have a job.

  52. As an employee of that food lion, the id restriction was established because another store was caught. Not us. It is a food lion rule and we follow it so we do not get fired. I apologize for the poor customer service. Customer services is always open for you to go over and express how you feel. Not on social media. Especially before you get your facts straight.

  53. I'm sure there is another side to this story.

  54. Since his wife normally does the grocery shopping it's no wonder he knew nothing about the ID policy. Now he does, he can choose to go shopping somewhere else.

  55. I shop Delmar Food Lion ALL the time! Morning noon and evening I have been in that store. Never had problems. Cashiers and associates always so friendly. Shelves always stocked too. If not, rain check. Doesn't bother them one bit. I prefer to shop there now instead of Walmart!

  56. . If they look 60 then the date is 11/11/60. Food Lion is well known for poor training and aloof management.

    April 14, 2014 at 7:41 PM

    That would be 53 not 60.

  57. 5:52 PM

    If you're gonna steal my line, at least give me credit or a byline.

  58. *Tilghman Rd. Stupid old man.

  59. Wow you're acting like he misspelled the first word ever on this blog! LOL You, however are wrong for calling him names, that's childish.

  60. Giant??!!! You must have forgotten - Giant is union - avoid whenever possible.

  61. Instead of being mad about this just be glad you are lucky enough to wake up in the mornings and are not dying of a terminal disease. Some people would just be grateful to be carded if they only had a few months to live. If that is the only thing I had to worry or get mad about in life then you need to rethink your priorities.

  62. More Food Lion Grief -
    Went to express checkout line and got behind woman with at lest 50 items in her cart. I was surprised the cashier didn't send her to a normal checkout line. It gets worse…after being rung up, the woman walked out of the store, leaving all her groceries in front of the cashier. I asked the cashier where the women went and was told she left her food stamps in her car. That was my last venture to Food Lion.

  63. who gives a t rats @ss you fools keep voting for the idiots that make these laws. so if you don't like it then stop freaking voting for liberal piece of crap politicians! now stfu!

  64. Food Lion hires the same type of people that Walmart hires. If you have completed the second grade , you got a job. They can't read , count to 10 , or just have normal brain functions.
    Having said that , they cannot tell the difference between a 10 year old and a 80 year old. They don't even know why they card people.

  65. Actually, prices are not higher at Giant. You need to shop the sales.
    FL can be as high & higher.

  66. A friend of mine has leukemia and needs a bone marrow transplant. He has been very sick and getting many chemo treatments. It's a very painful process but always seems to have a smile on his face. Anyone else have something to complain about?

  67. I can fully understand why this man was upset and felt he had to vent to somebody, and he considered you all his "friends" of sorts....obviously he picked the wrong place....I started thinking though that I haven't smoked in over 30 years and don't have a match in the house and don't have reason too, I myself would have been shocked to be carded for buying matches...some of you are being a bit hard on him....and I agree with the ones that believe some actual understanding of what happened is called for.....you'll be that age someday too remember!

  68. I have no problems at this same foodlion, but really people you are missing his point. If he asked an employee where something was they shouldn't have responded like they did, they should have said no sir I don't but I will find out for you. People today are just too lazy and don't want to do their job. If he did have an attitude so what, 2 wrongs don't make a right, as the old saying goes kill em with kindness, which most of you on here with all the name calling lack.

  69. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    *Tilghman Rd. Stupid old man.

    April 15, 2014 at 1:50 PM

    Really? Do you feel better now?

  70. Most Food Lion's are very good stores. I have to agree with the poster about the Tilghman store. They are very arrogant Management wise .. They have a couple of employees who think they are empowered and arrogant I know of one rude guy working the wine who is flat out rude. I know this is not the rule of thumb with the Company and a choice by Management.
    I think it is one of the best stores in town -only due to logistics. Think about it if you live East of town where else do you have to go? Ocean City? and pay tourist mark ups? I think the Tighlman store needs a change of management to someone less smug and complacent. The store really reflects his attitude.

  71. April 15 @ 1:50 sounds exactly like Lance the Manager

  72. Get over yourself

  73. Many employees are made to card everyone when purchasing certain items. Don't be such a grump...the checker was just doing her job!

  74. Customer service of any kind is missing at the Nanticoke Road Food Lion, this is sadly true. There's rarely a manager in sight or available, the checkers are just creepy for the most part, and finding someone to ask a question is impossible. However, no matter how you shake it, their prices are totally better than Giant's. I don't know how some of the posters can possibly think otherwise. Their steaks are horrid, but chicken and hamburger is the same as any other store. I definitely prefer Giant's steaks, lunch meat and cheese b/c they are much higher quality. In my opinion, even the customer service at Giant has gone a bit downhill since Bill DiPaola retired. :(

  75. The complaintant should have gone next door to buy some liquor from the Wicomico County Dispensary. He would have been carded for booze at seventy years old. Apparently the clerks can not tell the difference between 16 and 60, or are not trusted to determine one's age based on appearance. As an old man with gray hair, I just left the bottle on the counter and shook my head as I walked away.....

  76. Why has Salisbury News become a venue for Union lies? BOE Chicken Companies..now this.. Somebody advancing the notion that Giant has the best prices in Salisbury was what revealed this to me. We have a bunch of Communists in an election year hired and posting here. I agree that the original store has some flaws that are basically attitudes but they try very hard there. They are a good group overall however the disparagement of the Nanticoke Rd
    crew reeks of the odor of Union/Progressive Trash.

    Shop at the Store you like..to me having two Walmarts and a Sam's Club within 9 miles has destroyed the competitive nature of this entire market and has totally blocked any new entities from our Market.

  77. Good think he wasn't trying to buy SudaFed, or some other anti-hisatamine. He would not have only been carded, but they would have made a copy of the ID and put it on file....

  78. 8:13 Oh dear God they are union stay away. Giant is a shining example that unions do no ruin businesses. Management ruins them and workers with poor attitudes. I guess we should all work at Wally World. Wal Mart treats the help like crap no benefits. I will never buy a stick of gum there.

    Giant is the best grocery store in Salisbury. Harris Teeter is the best on the shore. We need a Wegmans or something like it.

    My guess is you either owned a business or were to big a puss* to fight for your fair share. Dont hate those with a backbone.

  79. Giant is the best grocery store in Salisbury. Harris Teeter is the best on the shore. We need a Wegmans or something like it.

    My guess is you either owned a business or were to big a puss* to fight for your fair share. Dont hate those with a backbone.

    April 21, 2014 at 10:58 AM

    omg, what is wrong with you? were you raised by wolves or something? have some class and courtesy for petes sake.

  80. You are the most childish 70 year old I know


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