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Sunday, March 09, 2014

The Future Of America?

Laura Mitchell Appointed to National League of Cities Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee

Washington, D.C.
– Laura Mitchell, Salisbury City Council Vice President has been appointed to the National League of Cities (NLC) 2014 Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee. This committee has the lead responsibility for developing NLC federal policy positions on issues involving national economic policy, general financial assistance programs, liability insurance, intergovernmental relations, census, municipal bonds and capital finance, municipal management, antitrust issues, citizen participation and civil rights, labor relations, Native American sovereignty and municipal authority. The appointment was announced by NLC President Chris Coleman, mayor, St. Paul, Minn.

“I look forward to representing my hometown on this committee, bringing to light issues specific to Salisbury in hopes of exacting change at a local and national level,” she said. “My position on this committee will give our community a voice in Washington, D.C., where our presence is crucial to ensure policy makers know what’s happening in our town, and also in surrounding communities.”

As a member of the committee, Laura Mitchell will play a key role in shaping NLC’s policy positions and advocate on behalf of America’s cities and towns before Congress, with the Administration and at home.

The chair of this year’s Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee is Sarah Levison, councilmember, Longmont, Colo. Serving as this year’s vice chairs are Cynthia Mangini, councilmember, Enfield, Conn. and Andy Hafen, mayor, Henderson, Nev.


  1. Do they know how much of a drain on society she is?

  2. WTF?!?! That would be like appointing a career felon as a supreme court justice because he's really good at breaking the law!

    This country is really going down the toilet with the idiots in charge!

  3. God help us all!

  4. Joe,

    Is there a bio available on this woman? I'd be very interested in her qualifications to steer federal policy positions. Maybe you can do a story on her or direct me to piece that tells us about her?

  5. not surprised she's an expert in general financial assistance programs

  6. Are they aware that she's on Public Assistance, and isn't that a direct conflict of interest and highly unethical? Oh, wait, I forgot. She doesn't have any...

  7. Full speed ahead!

    Damn the torpedos!

    We have nothing to fear!

    We have Laura to steer!

  8. I just threw up a little bit in my mouth.

  9. Dear Mother of God,

    I just went to the NLC website and she's the only member listed from the great state of MD????

  10. She should be stripped of ALL government entitlements! How is she raping the taxpayers, and getting away with it? WTF.

  11. If she is this capable of holding responsible positions and traveling to meet voluntary obligations, she must be employable.

  12. This is the woman who couldn't handle the books for the Democratic Club?

    Probably all she had to do to get "appointed" was to volunteer.

    Political social climber, this one, but she gets plenty of press, even here, so she knows how to play the game.

  13. It appears she has found another river to bottom feed from. Wicomico county are you paying attention?

  14. OMG, do these people know what they have done appointing her? 9:01AM said it perfectly.

  15. If you don't like her politics, you should run against her in the next election, Joe.

  16. Give us an address to write to to complain about her Section 8, food stamp etc and any other dirt and we will be happy to report this.

  17. The ranks of our political officials are littered with hypocrits, ego maniacs, and liars. The only qualification Mitchell has is her lust for power and position. She has no credability or competence. She is a professional leach living off governement programs. This is the new blueprint of government officals i.e. O'bama, O'Malley

  18. This woman is taking a beating on Salisbury News. You've been blogged, BIOTCH!

  19. The more we bitch about this welfare foodstamp anti social draing the city fool the more the dummocrats give her More to do.

  20. "National League of Cities (NLC) 2014 Finance, Administration & Intergovernmental Relations Steering Committee"

    Finance? She knows all about finance. She is slopping at the government trough and has been for many years. Now her rapist husband is doing the same thing.

    The only thing this white trash knows about civil rights is that she married a black man.

    What does she know about Native American Sovereignty? Absolutely nothing! I feel sorry for the real native Americans. For you dummies who think you are a Native American, you are wrong. Native Americans are the Indians your ancestors stole their land from.

  21. Anonymous said...
    The more we bitch about this welfare foodstamp anti social draing the city fool the more the dummocrats give her More to do.

    March 7, 2014 at 2:12 PM


  22. She has no ethics, truth or leadership responsibilities and is a thief for all she has bilked the tax payers out of. Can the people who appointed her have at least checked her out. She is a looser and we are the biggest loosers for having voted her ever in office--told you all so a long time ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  23. Perhaps someone could prepare a handout of her photo, background and "qualifications" and see that they get passed out at the meeting?

  24. She can't managed her own finances, like seriously how stupid are people. Let's give someone a position like this who can barely sustain themselves. This is freaking ridiculous, and is the prime example of what is horribly wrong with this "Once" great Nation.

  25. Typical BS from the present administration


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