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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

The Destroyer Cometh

A dumbed-down Democratic party runs out of ideas.

Here is a selection of recent headlines: “Jon Stewart Destroys Megyn Kelly,” “Jon Stewart Destroys Fox News’ ‘Spite-Driven Anger Machine,’” “Jon Stewart Destroys What’s Left of Peggy Noonan’s Credibility,” “Jon Stewart Destroys Fox News Over Syria Coverage,” “Jon Stewart Destroys Glenn Beck’s Utopia,” “Jon Stewart Destroys Bill O’Reilly” — there are about 520,000 more — and, not to be missed, “Jon Stewart Destroys Chicago-Style Pizza.”

The sound of terrors is in his ears at 11 p.m. on Comedy Central, and in prosperity the destroyer cometh upon him.



  1. jon stewart couldn't destroy his way out of a wet paper sack

  2. Jon Stewart just is not funny.To make a career out of political humor can only produce so many laughs,and staring into the camera after he thinks he said something funny is the final straw.

  3. It takes a special kind of idiot to like Jon Stewart.

  4. Stewart is an idiot. He is nothing more than a nut reading someone elses words.

  5. Stewart is an idiot as are all the hosts of other personality based political shows. But they sure are entertaining. Also if you still believe everything you hear, see or read you have a problem of another sort. I will go even further and say that even the so called legitimate news sources are nothing more than propaganda machines.

    TV is for entertainment.

    The internet is for the news.

    Question everything.


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