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Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Senate Democrats' Donor-Friendly Global Warming Show

On Monday night into Tuesday morning, two dozen Senate Democrats -- members of the party's newly-formed Climate Action Task Force -- plan to hold an all-night, filibuster-like talkathon on the issue of global warming. "Congress must act," Hawaii Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz, a leader of the group, said in a statement. "On Monday night we're going to show the growing number of senators who are committed to working together to confront climate change."

Senator after senator will undoubtedly join Schatz in insisting that Congress must act. But the Democratic talkathon is not about any action in particular. It's not being staged in support of, or opposition to, any specific legislative proposal. And if there were proposed legislation under consideration, Democrats could just pass it, or at least bring it up for debate and a vote, because they control the Senate with a 55-seat majority. But that, apparently, is not the point of the all-nighter. "The Democratic effort is cause for some confusion," USA Today reported over the weekend, "because these senators are calling for action in a chamber they control but without any specific legislation to offer up for a vote, or any timetable for action this year."



  1. This should be comical... is this the new Comedy Relief, except instead of donations to help a nation, we instead donate for a senator to get a new vacation home?

  2. Is climate change occurring? The answer is yes. Of course it is. It's been happening for several millions of years.

    Science tells us the history about the ice age, ocean levels rising and falling, the shifting of continents, etc. The earth has been evolving for a very long time.

    Is man capable of causing these magnificent changes? Of course not. These events were happening long before man built his first campfire.

    Now....can we put less pollution in the air and water? Sure, those are good things to do.

    Just stop with the nonsense that driving a Prius is going stop the earth from doing what it naturally does.

  3. 10:12, you might be surprised at the power of humanity. Just look what happened to the Aral Sea in Russia or the 1906 San Francisco earthquake.

  4. There's nothing to legislate if there's no science that proves It's caused by humans!

  5. And where does the money go?Back to stage more parties,just a circle of corruption.


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