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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Beltway Party, Left and Right, vs. Rand Paul

In case you hadn’t noticed, the DC political class is lining up against U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY). Indeed, the left and right wings of what might be called the Beltway Party have jointly decided that Paul is unacceptable: He and his liberty-minded, live-and-let-live constitutionalist views are a threat to both of those wings.

That is, the establishment left fears Paul because he is an enemy of big government, and the establishment right fears Paul because he is an enemy of their big government--their big government, that is, of social-issue regulation, surveillance, and foreign wars.



  1. lmao I don't think the right has a monopoly on wars. appears Obama and the demoncrats have been pretty active exporting our own version of home grown terror!

  2. His father did well in early 2012 polling and the Iowa caucas but the MSM REFUSED to even mention him to the point that even Jon Stewart pointed it out on The Daily Show. Google it up.

    Any candidate that stands for real change breaking the status quo is too much of a threat. They will take every effort to marginalize, ignore, and bash him.

    Of course the PTB need to be tossed out on their ass.


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