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Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Girl, 9, Barred From School For Shaving Head To Support Friend With Cancer

A 9-year-old Colorado girl was kept out of school on Monday after shaving her head to support a friend battling cancer.

KDVR.com reports that officials at Caprock Academy in Grand Junction told the student, Kamryn, she couldn't come back to class without a wig or until her natural hair grew back because her shaved head violates the school's dress code.

With her parents' approval, Kamryn shaved her head in support of her friend, 11-year-old Delaney, who is battling neuroblastoma, a childhood cancer, and recently started chemotherapy.



  1. Can't we just shoot these people on sight? Please? Why should we have to endure there people's idiocy?>

  2. Smoke pot but don't shave your head. Morons

  3. you must conform, you must submit. they are training our children, into submission. do not question

  4. My first question would be are there any bald (naturally or shaved) teachers in the school district? Willing to bet there is a least one and most likely male. Sounds like a sex discrimination lawsuit to me. I remember a few kids in my school that were given a military high and tight as soon as spring arrived and others that had the long hippie hair. What's the big deal?

  5. Too bad schools are making a bunch of followers, not leaders, out of children today. So wrong.

  6. as long as the child knows in her heart that she did this for all the right moments SHE will be just fine. We all must answer for our own actions and hers were pure. Now the others ... thats another thing.


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