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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Some Information About Smart Meters

Utilities across the country are installing so-called ‘smart’ meters.  As a result, bills are skyrocketing, health effects and safety violations are being reported, and privacy in our homes is being violated. Do we really need wireless smart meters?
Decide for yourself:
Do you want an accurate, reasonably priced utility bill? Utility customers have noticed huge increases in their bill after a ‘smart’ meter is installed–in some cases hundreds of dollars more than usual.  Utilities claim the meters are accurate,but unexplained over-billing has featured in many negative reports, all around the US. Read more.
Do you value your health, and the health of your family and friends? Just as we’re learning that cell phones cause brain tumors, why are we installing the same technology on everyone’s homes, often with no right to opt out?  Thousands of people have complained of tinnitus, headaches, nausea, sleeplessness, heart arrhythmia, and other symptoms after a ‘smart’ meter was installed.  Wireless technology is a public health hazard.  Smart meters can violate already high FCC limits on human exposure to microwave radiation, and are being installed even as people are developing “electro-sensitivity”.  There are also reports of ‘smart’ meter interference with pacemakers and other implants.


  1. My bill tripled the first month after my smart meter was installed. I called and complained but got nowhere with Delmarva Power so I'm almost afraid of the next one and that should be coming any day now

  2. you can have an analog meter installed by a local licensed electrician.

  3. DP told us that the smart meters are not transmitting in our area yet. That's why our bill was estimated due to weather this month. Read your own meter every so often & compare it to their readings. Don't just take their word for it.

  4. According to the Maryland Utility Commission, you CAN opt out. There is a form you fill out & mail to both the commission & the utility company. Then you put a sign on your meter saying that per MD law you have opted out & they are not allowed to touch your meter. Best to put the sign in a gal. size baggie to hang upside down so it doesn't get wet. My neighbors have had some weird bills & "estimated" readings. My bills have been in line & I've actually been thanked by some meter readers for saving their jobs.

  5. The guy who installed my meter insisted that the occupants of my home would become noticeably smarter.

  6. They are going to charge a 75.00 charge for not having the meter. Then DP will charge $17.00 a month to read the meter. Ours went down $50 last month waiting to see next month.

  7. I watched the truck back into my drive just far enough to be within 20 feet of my meter in a pouring rain and pause just long enough to put the truck in drive and pull out again. This is meter reading? There was no way he could have seen the meter let alone read it. And... after the bill came.. of course it was no where near the right amount. I don't think they care b/c they know they are going to be out of a job soon.


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