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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Salisbury News To Deliver MASSIVE Breaking News Story Today

Ladies & Gentlemen, I've been doing this Blog thing for a LOT of years now. I have seen and exposed some of the most incredible news stories, many of which have been ignored by the local media. However, the one we'll deliver today will top them all.

We will touch on the main topics and concerns but I have to tell you, it's so big, we'll have to break it down day by day, one topic at a time. We will be providing a link to the actual findings and here is what I'm going to ask of each and every one of you. I'm being very serious now. I'm going to ask that you truly take the time to click on the link and READ the entire document. 

We have been digesting this information for TWO days now and I have to say, if we did one Post on the entire findings it would be the longest article we've ever written. Hence why I'm saying we'll have to touch on each topic one day at a time. 

When you see this document you'll know immediately that a LOT of people need to be FIRED, all the way up to the County Executive. The article will go up and remain at the very top for the entire day until midnight. Coming soon. 


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