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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Shift in Religious Tide; Picture = 1000 Words

You and I may never see the full shift, but certainly our grand kids will. And God help them!

Is This What You Want?

IRAN 1970

IRAN 2012


EGYPT ( Cairo University ) 1959

EGYPT ( Cairo University ) 2012 

NETHERLANDS ( Amsterdam ) 1980

  NETHERLANDS ( Amsterdam ) 2012


  1. American are too focus hating Obama that they do not see what is really going on in this country. Small steps of unveiling of revelation.

  2. Too many leeches listening to too many liberals allowing it to slowly happen.

  3. This is true. I remember back in the 90's i met an Iranian who showed me a picture of their family taken as kids. The girls were wearing bikinis. I was told that things had gotten very bad since then.

    Needless to say it opened my eyes. With obamas creds not being questioned by a drooling media, i worry.

  4. So, if I understand the pictures correctly, you are afraid of America becoming a Theocracy?

    Because a theocracy of any kind would be bad... be it Muslim or Christian.

    I see what you are doing with the pictures and applaud you for pointing out that our liberties are precious, as well as religious freedom, but we have to protect ourselves from ALL religious tyranny... and that tyranny comes from ANY and ALL religiously motivated legislation. Any sort of theocratic action is an affront to our liberty and our Constitution.

    Lets remember the enemy is not just wrapped in funny looking clothes. The enemy is anyone who wants to take away our liberties, or legislate their religious agenda... and it matters not which brand of religiosity it stems from.

    As American's we need to remember the big picture, not the one that's easy to spot because they dress differently than we do.

  5. 7:48 I could not believe what I'm reading here. Are you seriously comparing Christianity or Judasim to Islam? Do you even know that this country was founded on the values of Christian/Judea theology?

    And I argue that NO Christian or Jewish group in this country wishes to take over. Islam DOES.

    YOU are the reason we are in this spot. Your focus is adrift.

  6. @7:59

    There was no comparison made between religions. It was made clear that any sort of intrusion into our liberties by any religious group is a violation.

    And to your "NO Christian or Jewish group does what Islam does". REALLY? So, tell me about the Native American Indians and what happened to them and this Continent when the Christians brought their "values" here? Seems like the Christians did exactly what you are afraid Islam wants to do. Ask the Slaves who helped build this nation before slavery was abolished how they felt about the Christian "values" that this country was supposedly founded on. Or how about the Crusades, nothing like what we are being told is scary from Islam huh?

    The point is, we need to focus on the big picture. Our liberties and freedoms, and remember that ANYONE who tries to take them away for any reason is the enemy, not just the ones who look funny to our culture. It's easy to spot them, it's more difficult to spot the charlatans who are no more than wolves wrapped in sheeps clothing.

    And if the enemy is ANYONE who uses Religion to legislate away peoples freedoms and liberties, like you postulate is why Islam is the enemy, then ANY religion that does that also qualifies.

  7. @7:48

    I suppose I might agree with you in theory, but theory and reality don't always mesh. The pictures show reality as it is unfolding today, not your theory.

    Can you show me some pictures of an oppressive Christian or Jewish regime?

    Don't let political correctness blind you.

  8. 9:04...Google U.S Military, there's your christian regime.

  9. @9:04

    Since when did caring about the Constitution, and the protection of our liberties from ALL enemies foreign and domestic become political correctness?

    You need pictures? Are you claiming that the Crusades never happened, or slavery, or what happened to the Native Americans. You need pictures?

    I think what YOU want to do is demonize one religion. You don't care so much about liberty as asserting the superiority of your religious world view over another. To this, I would argue, is less important than the protection of our liberties. We need more focus on the big picture, the protection of our freedoms and liberties from ALL who impose tyranny wrapped in a religious flag.

  10. @9:04

    Since when did caring about the Constitution, and the protection of our liberties from ALL enemies foreign and domestic become political correctness?

    You need pictures? Are you claiming that the Crusades never happened, or slavery, or what happened to the Native Americans. You need pictures?

    I think what YOU want to do is demonize one religion. You don't care so much about liberty as asserting the superiority of your religious world view over another. To this, I would argue, is less important than the protection of our liberties. We need more focus on the big picture, the protection of our freedoms and liberties from ALL who impose tyranny wrapped in a religious flag.

  11. Reality as it's unfolding is absolutely spot on. The Crusades were 2000 years ago in a much more barbaric time. Native Americans, go back and re-read your history. They welcomed us and we very well could have lived in peace side by side but there were some who changed and when SOME started murdering innocent women and children GOOD had to prevail.

    We were not there to 'rule' them.

  12. @9:26

    So, the Christian "values" were the same "values" 2000 years ago, they were just more barbaric? What are you even arguing? The Native Americans welcomed Christian "values" coming in and stealing their lands and eliminating their cultures from sea to shining sea? And nothing on Slavery, you've got nothing?

    What are you even saying?

    The point is that the we should be focused on the big picture, protection of liberties from ALL religious tyranny. Why is there even an argument against this?

    Unless, the argument really isn't about protecting our liberties, and it's about demonizing another religion.

  13. @9:26

    So, the Christian "values" were the same "values" 2000 years ago, they were just more barbaric? What are you even arguing? The Native Americans welcomed Christian "values" coming in and stealing their lands and eliminating their cultures from sea to shining sea? And nothing on Slavery, you've got nothing?

    What are you even saying?

    The point is that the we should be focused on the big picture, protection of liberties from ALL religious tyranny. Why is there even an argument against this?

    Unless, the argument really isn't about protecting our liberties, and it's about demonizing another religion.

  14. Crusades were not 2000 years ago during the birth period of Christ, try 1000 years ago after the Roman Empire fell. The natives may have welcomed Europeans until they realized their resources and land were being plundered. I'm waiting to see the new crusades after the American Empire collapses.

  15. At 9:24, I'm all for liberty. Keep religion out of politics.

    But let me tell you something. Open your eyes and look at what is happening.

    I don't need to demonize Islam. The Islamists do that all by themselves. Islam is not the religion of peace. This is a false narrative sold to people looking to be politically correct. When was the last time you saw a Christian suicide bomber. Sure, there are some things that happen over in Africa, but they are largely a fed-up response to Islamic aggression.

    The Crusades were a long time ago, and part of a response to an Islamic threat at that; and to whoever said it, the US military bends over to the point of jeopardizing the safety of the troops just to demonstrate tolerance for other points of view.

  16. So I was off by a 1000 years. I'll answer your slavery though. Go ask the democrats. THEY were the ones who started Jim Crow and the KKK and the GOP spent 80 years fighting them on that. GO ASK THE DEMOCRATS?

    You need to read deeper into the Native Americans history. I stand by it.

  17. 8:19

    Don't try and confuse us with facts.

    Big Jim, Lil Jim and Slim Jim.

  18. 7:48 is absolutely correct. This is the problem with mixing ANY religion with government. When you stand up and say but "it says this in the bible" it is the same as using the Koran to justify something.

  19. The difference between pre Castro Cuba and modern Cuba is also amazing.It was once an island paradise.Few alive today can recall it,but Cuba was as popular as any island resort is today.

  20. 12:22
    Sorry I disagree. Show me where a mosque has a food pantry. Show me where they are help feeding, clothing or doing some type of charity work. America was once great because we all helped each other. People helped their neighbors, they helped people that attended their own church and even those that did not. That is the teaching of the bible NOT the quran. The further people go from the Almighty God the further this country goes into the toilet. Christianity gives you feel will. Please show me how Islam gives anyone free will. Show me in the quran when it says to love your neighbor as yourself. Show me an Islamic country that is not a 3rd world country. Muslims don't treat women the same as men. They don't believe in adoption as we do. They think they are above all others and can lie to your face if it benefits their religion.

  21. @6:43 I can't believe that you would talk about a human being like that. That is society and how it has degressed from being occupied by superpowers looking to steal resources for nearly 100 years. The fight, brought to their land, forced them to gather around religion. I mean hell growing you have spent most of your childhood in a church... for someones funeral.

  22. Liberals want Sharia law to control women.

  23. @12:22

    Keep in mind I am not defending Muslims, but your facts are wrong. They do have food pantries, they do have aid programs, and community outreach programs. They do help each other in the communities. One of their founding ideals is also free will. A simple internet search will show this.

    I think your post exposes a lot about the misunderstandings on all sides of the arguments. You are simply demonizing the people who look different and aren't like us. I think many of us have not done our homework, nor do we have the facts straight. We let Fox news and uninformed people tell us what to think, rather than looking for the truth.

    THAT SAID, yes there are threats to our culture and way of life from Muslims world view and culture IF we allow them to infultrate and affect change in our government system.

    Unfortunately, Christians have done us a disservice by forcing their will in the legislative arena and opened the flood gates for any religion to affect legislative change. Christians have argued that you CAN have religion in government. As the Muslim culture grows (and it will) they will take over. It is as simple as they are "out breeding" other cultures, and are doing a better job with outreach and missionary conversion than our so called Christian culture.

    This is why it is SO important that the Government remain SECULAR to not only protect religious freedom, but protect FROM religious tyranny. People need to remember the brilliance of our founding fathers and the establishment clause.

  24. Some freakishly dim-witted people on this board. I practice no religion, but to equate Christian transgressions with Islamic is just plain stupid. The pinhead making the comparison had to reach back hundreds of YEARS for his supposed Christian examples (which actually had more to do with economics than religion). None of his examples occurred in our lifetimes. Care to contrast that with examples of Muslim crimes - truly carried out in the name of religion?


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