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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Senate Committee Votes To Use Pension Savings To Plug Budget Holes

More money once planned to reinvest in Maryland's state employee pension system is being tapped to fill a state budget hole.

A Senate budget panel made the decision Friday.

Under pension reform three years ago, Maryland was to pay $300 million above its required pension payment each year to move gradually to fully funding the pension system. Gov. Martin O'Malley proposed capping the payment at $200 million this year to help fill a budget gap.

Now, with a $238 million downward revision in state revenues creating a bigger hole, senators have decided to make only a $100 million payment for fiscal year 2014 and fiscal year 2015. That frees up money the remaining $200-million to ease budget pressures.



  1. Union suckers you desrve it ..keep voting democrat and supporting your middle man robber unions

  2. Hey Marty why don't you get advice from Scott Walker or Rick Perry they both have surpluses?

  3. Dangerous. Make a promise, renege, make up for other bad spending.

  4. I have hollered from every street corner - warning Wicomico School teachers about the impending crisis.

    I even quoted from the 2011 Special Pension task force report whereby the examiners were quoted as saying - 'It is unsustainable'.

    Yet nothing ever gets done. I'm telling you folks, it is like sitting on a stick of dynamite. This will materialize very soon.

  5. Stealing from a pension fund is absolutely ridiculous. I agree with 9:37 AM to a point, but let's make one thing clear. Not all state employees are union or are they Democrat and they are actually hard workers. There are also many good teachers and school board employees who don't deserve this screwing over by the Democrats.

    This is the Democrat way. Tax and spend until there are no more taxes. They have out spent themselves and now they are robbing funds set aside for retirement. These people worked mediocre jobs all their lives for health benefits and retirement and now they are being screwed by the Democrats again. This is asinine and if you voted Democrat then maybe you deserve it, but many didn't vote Democrat and didn't expect this to happen.

    If any union votes for another Democrat again then they deserve to continue to be screwed.

    Are you listening Wicomico County Teachers Association. This is what happens when you endorse and support only Democrats like Jim Mathias and Norm Conway. Now you better be careful who you endorse and support for the Wicomico County Council.

    Let me give you a hint. It would be wise to vote for and support all Republicans on the Wicomico County Council because your pensions are in their hands now. They are the ones that will look after you and not the thieving Democrats. You should pass this comment in a memo to every member of your Association(Union). Norm Conway and Jim Mathias are not your friends.

  6. The best way to get what you want is to divert attention away from it. The Governor,Delegate Conway,Rick Pollitt are masters at this. Teachers, the whole time your administrators,union reps and senior BOE staff were shoving Common Core down your throats and getting you so worried about implementing this worthless program they were diverting your attention away from the real problem. They are robbing you blind. For the life of me I can't figure out why you have sat back and let them do this to you.Not only has the Governor been using your retirement fund as a cash cow for his Legacy Project, the rapid rail system on the western shore,but your Democratic representatives Conway, Cane and Mathias have been giving the Governor permission to do it by approving his budgets.Ask Rick Pollitt how much the county's portion has not been paid and maybe you'll think twice about voting for him also.You think you are making headway by taking the chump change you have to beg for schools and the whole time they are in your wallets.That's a great bunch of union representatives and political leaders you have. If they keep it up you'll be getting 16 cents on the dollar for your retirement like the Detroit teachers.By the way, how much of your hard earned dollars that you pay your union are making it into the election campaigns of the people I mentioned above? Ask for an accounting of your union dues and see what you find. That is if you are allowed to see where your money actually goes.Check the campaign financials of the above people and see what you find. Watch how they try and divert attention away from that area.The more you don't know the better it is for them. I feel sorry for the many newer teachers we have who are not tenured yet. They have to sit back and shut up if they know what's best for them. Isn't that a shame. Just remember teachers, when you go into the voting booth there are no union reps with you. At least not yet. Keep an eye on your pensions and don't get diverted from that. Remember, Delegate Conway, Senator Mathias and Mr. Pollitt have better ways to spend your pension dollars but YOU can change that.

  7. Keep voting for Democrats and you are supporting Socialism. Democrats are liars and can not be trusted.

  8. Thank you, John Palmer!


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