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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Many Local Non Profit's Breaking The Law

Salisbury News came to learn this morning that ALL of the Basket Bingo Events and Fundraisers that includes auctioning wine or liquor in the Basket, (without a temporary liquor licence) is against the law. It is illegal to auction off liquor of any kind.

You can GO HERE to see the laws and regulations.  It's actually quite interesting because a LOT of local organizations have been doing this, (including the Board of Education) but were probably not privy to the actual laws on this matter. 

Know now, you have been educated and ALL of the organizations using this practice need to stop doing so immediately, unless you buy the proper permits and follow the rules. 


  1. Hope the JMB bingo wasn't on school property. They know that liquor of any kind isn't permitted on any school property.

  2. Who oversees this kind of stuff & why aren't they doing their job?

  3. ultimately through jury nullification the practice may continue.

  4. So are you going to be THAT guy that turns them all in?

  5. Hey Nosy-Rosy! How do you know they didn't have the proper permits? I guess that phone call would have been too much trouble?

  6. Permits should never have been issued.This may go all the way to the top.

  7. Permits - another way to stifle freedoms, control the masses, and collect revenue!

    Be gone ye onerous government!

  8. Oh Boy, one large non-profit on Mt. Hermon Road better take cover!

  9. whats wrong with a little BINGO to help an organization raise money?

  10. We all break numerous laws everyday. It's one of the great benefits of living under a communist police state that has regulated every aspect of the lives of its' subjects.

  11. How about the free beer being given away at 3rd Fridays. Unless something has changed in Wicomico County in the last 15 years, and it may have, they are not obeying the law either. If you remember the Flying Club, Fratelli's when they were in University Square and several other bars in the area used to offer Nickle beers, Beat the clock etc. They did this as a loss leader to bring in patrons. The idea originally was to offer free beer for an hour but the Liquor Board squashed that and told them they had to charge something for the beer, free beer is not allowed.

    Has that rule changed or are we simply seeing another case of do as I say not as I do?

  12. For charities to have to get a license to give away a wine basket is ridiculous and a waste of our tax dollars. As far as the donors, they should be allowed to give away product up to a certain amount every year. What's wrong with that when it is helping charities who help take the burden off government agencies for the most part. Overly controlled, overly regulated, not using common sense...is this really a good use of our tax dollars to chase after these "rule breakers" when we have so many bigger problems?

  13. There is a law that says you can't sell wild game also, but you have many so called "Wild Game" dinners, and they use the words "Suggested Donation" to side-step the law, BUT, did you know that by using the words, "Suggested Donation", you can actually show up and give the 25 cents or less and eat, there not a thing they can do, as it is a "Donation", they can't require you to give their suggested amount!

  14. Federal law prohibits the sale or possession of marijuana. A Federal law passed recently required health care insurance. Our President seems to overlook these major laws at his discretion. PICK YOUR BATTLES WISELY!

  15. Refer to Trey Gowdy's floor speech several articles below. The unfortunate truth is there are far too many laws. Laws passed for the sake of passing laws. When all you have is a hammer all problems appear as a nail.

  16. I wonder how many of these bingos also get the gambling license from WCSO?

  17. Wow here we go with more rules and regulations. People if your not attuned to this yet mountains of rules and regulations is what's killing this country. Joe I don't see you rising up to call for a stop of Catholics using wine in services. I mean are they not giving free wine to adults and children alike . I know sounds frivolous doesn't it?

    I support what you do Joe and I'm a long time follower of your blog. I'm somewhat surprised to see you advocating the use of such a frivolous law. I guess you learn something new every day.

  18. How do you enforce a law when people working for Mike Lewis attend a Fundraiser where baskets containing Beer & Wine are the auction & raffle items? Why are Fire Departments allowed to do this?

  19. 12:02, I'm sure Mike Lewis isn't privy to this law. He's not a lawyer and he doesn't work for the Liquor Board. They ENFORCE their own, so you know.

  20. Can you auction off cigars?


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