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Sunday, March 16, 2014

Did You Know This?


Have you noticed, the Social Security check is now referred
to as a "Federal Benefit Payment"?

It's a fact. I was talking to my Father last night about this and he confirmed it. 


Let's hear what YOU have to say about this.


  1. I paid for this as did my employers...this is not a benefit, an entitlement or whatever other term they want to put on it, Damn!

  2. How can it be a benefit when I worked all my life and paid into Social Security for my retirement. More magic from the Democrats. Your money is their money.

  3. Ummm...that's what it's called. When you get SS, you don't get your own money back. Your money was used to pay the SS benefits of your grandparents. Now, your children and grandchildren are paying for your benefits.

    This just isn't that hard to understand, folks.

  4. 10:01 Yep, largest pyramid scheme in existence.

  5. No surprise here. I've said all along they would redefine SS as an entitlement like welfare so they could change it at will by regulations without congressional approval.

  6. ---10:01-- When you invest in the stock market or buy an insurance policy or deposit to a bank account, you don't get YOUR money back either. Or did you not know this.??

  7. Social Security is actually a Govt run PONZI scam.

  8. dittos 10:33. We paid and our employers paid for this. It truly is an entitlement. Why; because since I paid for it, I am entitled to it. very simple...

  9. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    ---10:01-- When you invest in the stock market or buy an insurance policy or deposit to a bank account, you don't get YOUR money back either. Or did you not know this.??

    March 13, 2014 at 10:31 AM

    Thank you so I didn't have to respond to the idiot.

    This dumba$$ will be whining when he is old enough to collect his SS "benefit" and it's not their because he voted for Obama and condoned their actions. Stupid is as stupid does. They don't get upset until it affects their entitlement.

    For a while their I thought Democrats were getting smarter about the mistake of voting for Obama, but I think some of them are way to stupid for that. We have a rough journey ahead of us to get this country back on track.

  10. I bet 10:O1 AM voted for same sex marriage as well.

  11. Anonymous said...
    dittos 10:33. We paid and our employers paid for this. It truly is an entitlement. Why; because since I paid for it, I am entitled to it. very simple...

    March 13, 2014 at 10:42 AM

    I have no problem paying into it if I am going to get it back and you should feel the same way. I do have a problem with giving it to someone who hasn't paid into the system.

  12. And I bet the idiots in Maryland will vote the thieving ^&**&'s back into office again... after all, they dont have a problem giving their money to the lazy no good drug addicts.. everyone is entitled to your hard earned money, ... We created this mess and will not likely change it, so get over it and understand that getting your own money back is now a benefit!

  13. Your money has and continues to be stolen from you in the form of taxes.

    SS is not going to make it very far and is certainly not something someone in their 40's or even 50's should count on.

  14. I'm 37, and I know that SS won't be around for me. I'm paying for your benefits, baby boomers. You knew the system wasn't sustainable based on demographics, yet you kept your mouth shut and never made it a political issue. I'm going to pay for it, and at best get a negative rate of return. It's going to be even worse for my kids. Thanks a lot.

  15. If you were actually getting your money back it would stop when you reached the limit of what you put in.

  16. Just another part our now socialist society. Hail to the chief and ruler Obama.
    I want war so bad , I can taste it.

  17. Social Security was never meant to be the sole source of retirement income. IRA's, 401K's and other pensions would be supplemented with social security. The amount of income that is taxed for sociai security has risen significantly since its inception to try to keep up with the expanding retirees. Your government has been taking those dollars from SS over the last 40 years and using it for other entitlement programs. If you are under 35, invest now for the future.

  18. If all that money they sucked out of my pay checks over a lifetime were invested in a moderate risk mutual fund I would be a multi-millionaire by now. I got a feeling by the time I can retire in about 10 years nothing is going be left of my "benefits" in the SSA. I think a lot of people will be knocking on the SSA door at that time. Probably one of the reasons they are stock piling all the ammunition along with other federal agencies.

  19. 4:34, ARRRRGGGGHHH! I'm just going to bite my tongue and refrain from what I'd truly like to say to you. Consider yourself lucky for now.

  20. Agreed 4:40 (This is 4:38)

  21. This just isn't that hard to understand, folks.

    March 13, 2014 at 10:01 AM

    Obviously it is, for you.

  22. You are way wrong, 2:38. And don't bother pointing fingers at the 'boomer' generation. Viability of SS WAS questioned. Literally trillions were raised via the Soc Sec amendments of 1983. Taxes were raised on the very individuals that you sneer at with the understanding that it was to be reserved for their SS funding. It isn't my fault that the govt chose to steal that money from a solvent system. I am sincerely sorry for you and my own children, as well. But please don't suggest that we did not pay our own way.

  23. I don't give a dam if most people think Social Security is actually a Govt run PONZI scam. I paid into the program and expect to receive my share of the tax invested ss funding when become eligible. I was also taxed for EBT'S, snap, welfare and every other government program for single moms with tons of illegitimate kids and the illegal aliens anchor babies. As an unemployed, collecting no unemployment because the state of maryland said no after 25 years of service, I deserve my ss.

  24. Invest in what for the future? What is left that is a stable investment? Will a piece of paper be worth anything. I'm so glad that I grew up in a time when this country was worth something. I pray for my grandchildren. Everything that I have will go to them.. and it is paid in full. That is the only security... and who is to say that is secure?


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