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Monday, March 17, 2014

Livin’ Large on the Union Payroll

Tucked deep in a South Philadelphia neighborhood that decorates for St. Patrick’s Day the way other places do for Christmas, there stands a bar that’s locally notorious for underage drinking and random brutality.

On a sunny afternoon in March, I tried unsuccessfully to visit; conflicting hours were reported online, and all phone numbers I could find for the bar had been disconnected. But when I asked a young woman who lived nearby whether the pub was safe to check out later that evening, she refused to answer directly but repeatedly recommended I go to a bar down the street instead. Another neighbor later tells me by phone that he was almost jumped outside the bar once — he had spoken out when a drunk man flicked a cigarette into his chest as he rode his bicycle past— but makes me promise not to mention his name.

Yelp reviewers are less reticent: “I saw a bunch of regulars/locals beat up a few other guys just because they weren’t locals and therefore weren’t welcome,” wrote one woman last year. “I saw the bartender get involved and violently throw the non-locals out on the street. One guy was beat so bad he was taken away in an ambulance. It was truly horrific.”



  1. Why be surprised? It is Philly after all, the original home of white trash.

  2. Sounds like a regular workers paradise.
    This is Socialism/Communism at its worst and the kind of strong arm proletariat system that should be shut down! Kill the anti American unions!
    America is for CAPITALISM. It is why we USED to be the strongest nation in the world. We are not any more under Obama though.
    Get the Government out of the way and
    lead a business, work for a business, or move the Eff to Russia and play comrade there!

  3. Read the article before commenting please. The bar is a front to funnel money out of the union and into the union bosses hands. The union member/worker is the one being fleeced.

  4. "The union member/worker is the one being fleeced." Point being, 5:06, that's true to some extent of all unions.


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