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Monday, March 17, 2014


ANNAPOLIS, MD (March 17, 2014) – Governor O'Malley today issued the following statement in response to the U.S. Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly release of state jobs and unemployment data:

“Despite January's preliminary jobs report from BLS indicating monthly losses, Maryland's economy continues to show signs of strength across a broad array of indicators, including driving down our unemployment rate to 5.8 percent, its lowest level since November 2008.

“Among the most important things a state can do to create jobs and build a strong middle class over the long-run is to ensure young people have access to a quality education. Maryland has had the #1 ranked public schools for five years in a row, according to Education Week Magazine, and we’ve done more than any other state in the nation since 2007-08 to hold down the cost of college.

“In addition, Maryland has been ranked the #1 state in the nation for innovation and entrepreneurship for two years in a row by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, we moved more Marylanders from welfare to work last year than at any time in our state’s history, we’re a national leader in creating green jobs, and we’re one of the top three states in the country for upward economic mobility according to Pew Center for the States.

“But we still have more work to do. That’s why we are investing more than ever to put people to work building roads, bridges, and transit projects; why we expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit; why we’ve set, and exceeded, the most ambitious Minority Business Enterprise goals in the country; and why we’re fighting to raise Maryland’s minimum wage to $10.10.

“We are creating an economy with a human purpose. And we must continue to make better choices so that everyone who works hard will have the opportunity to succeed.”


  1. He left out the part where Maryland is now 2nd in home foreclosures...what's up with that stat Owemalley?

  2. Time for us Constituionalists to make changes in our Local Government's tooMarch 17, 2014 at 2:05 PM

    This is what the Democrtats want...those who are poor....so they can stay in POWER

  3. He is so full of crap it's pathetic. He also supports everything Obama does including Obamacare. So if he's a Democrat, he's a liar.

  4. Great spend hundreds of millions on roads and bridges to create a few hundred jobs . Ummm what do these people do when the roads and bridges are built?
    Same old story if you can't create real jobs and bring in company's old and new alike. Simply blow millions of tax dollars on roads and bridges.

    Don't forget all that well spent money and jobs he created removing all those evasive species in the middle of rt.50 god forbid they go in unchecked . I guess the evasive species on the shoulders of rt. 50 will never again invade the middle. My god what would have been done if the governor hadn't step in to save us on that. We could have been over run. Thank you sir. We could have had major issues if you hadn't been on the ball and used our hard earned tax money on this issue.

  5. He acts like montgomery and baltimore statistics are the only ones that matter. This state is comprised of more than those areas. Bet they didnt include the eastern shore at all in these statistics or ratings will be through the roof.

  6. BS Alert!How about all the people off unemployment insurance?More like 8%

  7. I haven't had any "human purpose" since December 28th. I guess I should be thankful for what I don't have. Thanks Martin!

  8. His head is up his A&^( , he has no idea how bad real life is.

  9. If his lips were moving he was lying, period. This POS is yet one more entrenched politician who believes his family will suffer no ill-affects from the future they layout. This POS, like so, so many more of our "leaders", has the foresight of an opossum. What he'll leave as a legacy will be written with the blood of our children. And, the saddest fact is that most of your representatives, in all levels of gov't, are just the same. No foresight and a total absence of responsibility or reprimand.

  10. "read my comment". O'Malley and all dems lie. period...

  11. I have a dream; Maryland without Annapolis and Baltimore...It is a nice dream...

  12. 4:37 Wasn't "read my lips no new taxes" a George Bush statement?


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