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Thursday, March 20, 2014

I Have A Dream Too


  1. Precisely what the worst president ever in the United States thinks.

  2. One of my biggest worries is that he wont step down when the time comes. Worse, a fawning media and too many liberals in academia will assist in this transition.

    He is bad for America.

  3. Executive order stating Obama will be president for life. You better believe he is thinking about it and the congress better be prepared to do something about it.

    Frankly they should have already impeached him. It doesn't matter what the senate does, let them run on voting against impeachment if that is what they choose to do.

  4. The informed rest of the country have a dream that his impacts will be significantly diminished starting this November, he'll be impeached in January and Biden will be ineffective for the remaining two years.

    Then someone will be elected to put this country on the correct path again.

    Clowns like him will be put in their place once again for a loong time!

  5. Impeached for what? You are all so dumb. Get real

  6. somewhere, Jimmy Carter is smiling


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