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Thursday, March 20, 2014

How Many More Lives Will Be Taken Under Delegate Norm Conway's Leadership

Last month I did an article explaining to everyone how understaffed Parole & Probation in Wicomico County is. If you'll recall, I published another article about a Salisbury man who was in the system who had taken off to Florida and killed a Police Officer.

Well, guess what. The guy who was shot two days ago was also in the system and being monitored by Parole & Probation. Here's the big question to you. Do YOU think YOU could handle 600 to 700 criminals on a daily basis?

When we did our article last month we explained how overwhelmed these Officers are. We also explained how their Union plead with Norm Conway for years for additional help, yet Conway ignored their Union.

How many more lives have to be at risk under your leadership Mr. Conway? Your District is rapidly growing and criminals are proving to be more aggressive towards Police Officers. We sent out a warning shot last month, thankfully the Police Officer was not killed. Shall we wait until one is?


  1. Mr. Fat Cat Conway is of absolutely no use to those of us who live on the eastern shore even though he is supposed to represent us. Way, way overdue for him to go.

  2. Hes a lame duck not serving his people period.

  3. If you want to talk to Conway offer a free lunch or dinner. He'll be there in a heartbeat, then you have his ear...or maybe, just his big gut at the table. Man is a lame representative of the Shore. Part time BOE employee, full time moocher.

  4. Fisher was under the supervision of P&P. This explains why he attempted to flee. He knew he had screwed up.

  5. 8:57 who in their right mind would even want "to talk to Conway?" I'm going to make a sign for my front door stating that any and all democrats are not welcome to campaign at my house. I don't do liars and that's all they are. They can go and tell their lies to their own family but my family is better than theirs and their foulness will not permeate our homes.

  6. Conway is a liberal that is not representing the shore.

  7. He's too busy eating to pay attention to anything else.

  8. These people have arrest after arrest. The Liberals have ruined this country.

  9. Thank goodness Rudy Cane quit - now we can concentrate on canning this bozo!

  10. It isn't just Conway...goes a lot further than that...if the general public actually KNEW what went on, they would be shocked...


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