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Thursday, March 27, 2014

EPA land grab? Agency claims authority over more streams, wetlands

In what critics are describing as a government land grab, the Environmental Protection Agency proposed a change Tuesday to the Clean Water Act that would give it regulatory authority over temporary wetlands and waterways.

The proposal immediately sparked concerns that the regulatory power could extend into seasonal ponds, streams and ditches, including those on private property.

"The ... rule may be one of the most significant private property grabs in U.S. history," said Louisiana Sen. David Vitter, the top Republican on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee.



  1. They already control your land.If water lays in your ditch on or on a spot of land too long its considered non tidal wetlands even if there is not any body of water for miles.And you better not pull any tree stumps out on your property.

  2. Agenda 21

    The Fascists take whatever they desire and claim it as theirs-- pretty soon it will be done in the name of the UN

    Our Jesuit Governor has spent Billions of the State's money making these people happy and making inroads with campaign donation kickbacks on the land deals.


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