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Monday, March 31, 2014

Dirty Jobs?


  1. But see Mike,that's common sense thinking something liberals don't have.

  2. Democrats/liberals are evil..They prey on the children. They think nothing of lying to them, and giving them false hope. The American Dream is gone for the children, thanks to the democrats. They continue to lie to them, telling them it's all about education. Yeah, it's all about education only because that's what lines the pockets of their banker buddies when the students get loans.

  3. Mike tells the truth. College debt at all time highs, a college degree that has no meaning, and a system that says full speed ahead. When will the train fall off of the tracks?

  4. 8:03 - I see the degree with no meaning more and more. Some of the degrees get dismissed right away just because of the name of the college...then you bring some in for an interview...and they start by axing pacific questions about working from home...those interviews end quickly...then you get to some that are left that expect work to be an extension of what was learned in college.


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