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Saturday, March 08, 2014

Busting Myths About VA Health Care Eligibility

Rumor mills are permanent fixtures in schools, offices and wherever people congregate, and most of the time they’re pretty innocuous. But myths and rumors that deal with health–in this case Veterans health–are a serious matter that can prevent qualified Vets from seeking the care they both need and deserve. Many have come up in the comments section, and others I hear from the guys in my old unit. The myths won’t die unless they are addressed publicly and clearly, so we present you with the most common we hear, and the straightforward answers they need.

Five Myths About VA Health Care Eligibility

Myth Number One

I wasn’t injured in the service, so I’m not eligible for VA health care.

Status: False


1 comment:

  1. My wife and I both served during the Vietnam war. We were both welcomed by the VA when we applied. Neither of us had service connected disabilities although her MS might have been induced because of her exposure to Agent Orange.
    I cannot say enough about the support and care the VA has given both of us. The more acute your health issue, the more support they render.
    I am currently in a major health battle, one that could turn deadly at any time. I'm treated with kindness, concern and respect at all times.
    I find that when you ask, instead of DEMAND, you usually get what you need.

    Craig Theobald


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