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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Black Christian Leaders Challenge Michigan Courts On Marriage Definition

Some in the GOP wish to turn their backs on Christian conservatives and say the Republican party should just stop talking about social issues. They seem to believe a collective mea culpa is the best way forward and that social conservatives are causing them to lose.

Message to the GOP establishment: you are totally wrong and maybe we should change the party initials to OTL (out to lunch). This is the problem with the GOP and all those “inside-the-beltway” consultants and pundits.

If the GOP would actually get out into America they’d understand policy inclusiveness, not just the emptiness of outreach. In the black community, social conservative issues are more unifying than fiscal issues. I’ve often said the most conservative people in America on a Sunday are black.



  1. These people need to be the ones that go to there communitys and rip obama apart .

  2. All you have to do is look at what happened in Arizona this week to know that social issues are ruining the GOP. Keep the bible issues in the church

  3. Business spoke in Arizona and the message was loud and clear. Stop listening to the social conservatives we won' t have it anymore, it hurts the country.


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