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Saturday, March 01, 2014

Another Obama Record… More College-Educated Millineals Are Jobless & Living In Poverty Than Any 20th Century Generation At That Age

The youth vote was critical in Barack Obama’s reelection.

Another record!
More college-educated Millinials are jobless and living in poverty than any other 20th Century generation at that age.
Forbes reported:

It’s not all good news, though. The Pew found that the both the share of college-educated 25 – 32 year-olds unemployed and those living in poverty is greater than any other generation of the 20th century at the same age. And while salaries for college grads have grown by $7K over the last 40 years, median earnings for those 25 – 32 have been stagnant for decades, even as the cost of education has soared. Other data from the University of Waterloo actually shows Millennials underearning their parents at the same age.



  1. yep, true, true true. Been saying that all along.

  2. They set their expectations too high after leaving college(or high school in some cases).It's bad when one feels they have to pass up on a job simply because the pay is,nt adequate to pay off their college loan.High schoolers like myself were able and willing to take whatever came along.

  3. The problem with many of these people is they expect to start at the top of the ladder with their so-called "education"

  4. So, how's that 'hope & change' working out for you? Suckers...

  5. 10:13 & 11:09 really? just keep making excuses for the bad economy


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