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Monday, February 17, 2014

Yes, This Really Happened: George Soros Punched By Ex-girlfriend During Court Appearance

According to court records, billionaire progressive darling George Soros was quite literally punched in the head by his ex-girlfriend, Brazilian soap opera actress named Adriana Ferreyr, during a Manhattan deposition last week. Ferreyr also hit at least three other people. Needless to say, Glenn had a little bit of fun with the story on radio this morning.

“Do we have any sad music, Pat? We need some sad music because… I don’t even know where to begin on this,” Glenn said. “You know how much I love George Soros, right? We’re like, mmm. Soap opera actress punches ex-boyfriend George Soros in the face. That’s the headline.”

Story with video continue HERE


  1. is that his girlfriend or grand daughter.

  2. When you're as rich as Soros you can buy all the girlfriends you want, in any size and flavor you want, too.

  3. Is that the one he promised a Condominium to?-- then told her to take a hike?
    The corrupt old vampire's word and image takes billions to maintain. Snopes was created just to lie about his past and what he is up to.

  4. evil, sleeze bag...nothing more.

  5. Does one become too special to get punched?

  6. She fulfilled the wishes of a lot of Americans.

  7. he deserves more than just a punch in the head


  8. Too bad she didn't wear steel toes; she coulda put a well deserved hitch in his gait.

  9. Pedophile


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