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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

A Letter To The Editor: Background Info On Wor Co School Supt.

A few weeks ago, I started thinking about Dr. Wilson and why in the world would one leave beautiful Fort Collins, CO (rank best place to live in 2006 by Money mag. and the county is about the same size as Douglas County) to come back to MD (grew up in Silver Spring, MD - land of the liberals), halfway across the country, so I did some digging.

Worcester County citizens who object to Common Core have been researching for quite some time - we also find it distressing that teachers are NOT subject to drug & alcohol testing


http://www.sublettecountyjournal.com/v4n42/v4n42s1.htm I found Wilson's quote regarding assessments very interesting.

Dr. Wilson outlined a couple of concerns he had, looking ahead. First were the graduation standards that will be imposed upon the class of 2003. How these standards will be assessed is a complicated puzzle that hasn't been solved by the State yet. Dr. Wilson also expressed concern over the statewide assessment, WyCAS, and assessing statewide standards in general. "The more that these standards have to be assessed," he told the board, "the more your teachers have additional responsibilities which take them from their primary responsibility, which is teaching children."

Seems like in 2003, Dr. Wilson still had the energy to fight the system but now looks like he is simply accepting the changes without opposition. Do you think he might have come here for pre-retirement?


  1. Oh gosh, golly, gee. How will we ever survive if he came here for (oh no, brace yourself) early retirement! Before the comments begin, why not hold the uninformed musings and ask the guy why he came. And if one of his reasons is early retirement, so what? Just because you don't understand why someone would relocate to a job in an area they would like to live, doesn't make it something about which to get your shorts in a bunch. Let's try to find a real problem to talk about.

  2. People like Dr. Wilson and Dr. Fredericksen drive all across the country for a job because they can't get one in their home towns much less their home states. People are also to lazy to do their own background checks with the internet these days. These guys doctor up their resume's and CV's and you would think you are getting the best thing since sliced bread. The same things happen in city and county police departments and fire departments with their chiefs. Happens in public works. Look at what the city has gotten lately for department heads. Pure dirt bags.

  3. This is priceless. You have decided the new guy is a dirt bag? Based on what? Some people are so jealous of success that they can only resort to tearing down even without the benefit of those useless things we call facts.

  4. Must be nice to be able to sit back in your easy chair and criticize people all day. I bet you have never even spoken to either person to hear their views on education.

    Not that I am a fan of either superintendent but it is a tough job to run a school system and make everyone happy.

  5. 7:32 perhaps you should be on the next "choosing panels" and do the background checks

    while waiting, can you deliver proof that Wilson/Fredericksnen were unemployable in their town, county and state - here is a bulletin for you,- a great many resumes are written to get a job, not to explain why they are incapable to do the job to suit you.

    Gracious me there is no public servant who pleases you - ummm perhaps it is the complainer who has the problem.

  6. I thought we were trying to get rid of the good ole boy network..now we don't want people to come here for jobs? I'm confused.

  7. You're all missing the point. What about the inappropriate sexaul behavior cover up article in CO newspaper in 2010? "The plan to keep the arrest from the public unless the media began asking questions was developed by Ellen Laubhan, the district's director of communications, and approved by Superintendent Jerry Wilson, according to the e-mails."

  8. thanks for investigating this man. looked what happened when almost NO ONE did a complete investigation on Obama. what a mess that has become. we must investigate those who want power more thoroughly.

  9. 8:39, oh I read the article but did not make the connection to the person you are speaking of.

    Good point, really good point.


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