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Friday, February 14, 2014

Welfare Vs. Minimum Wage


  1. And I work 2 part time jobs to make ends meet. It does pay to choose not to work.

  2. 7:50 that is one of the factors why the unemployment numbers are skewed, so many people are working two and three jobs, jobs that used to employ young people. Families where both parents are working 2 jobs each. I'm from a generation where mothers stayed home to raise kids, my father worked a good job and occasionally 2 jobs.

  3. Funny how these figures seem to follow exactly inline with the DEM's strong holds....buying the votes by keeping the people down has become the heartbeat of their base.

  4. There are times when I really wonder why I bother working. My husband has not worked fulltime in three years, and is working two parttime jobs. The temptation to quit is great at times, but I wasn't raised that way.


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