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Friday, February 14, 2014

Gun Control Activist Swears He Forgot He Was Carrying Gun While Visiting School

A Buffalo, N.Y. community activist who is well known locally for pushing for a highly restrictive 2013 gun control law has been arrested for — wait for it — carrying a gun illegally at a public elementary school.

The arrested gun-control advocate, Dwayne Ferguson, caused quite a scene at Harvey Austin Elementary School, reports local CBS affiliate WIVB.

At about 4:15 p.m. on Thursday, police acted on a pair of anonymous 911 tips. A battalion of cops quickly swarmed the school. The brigade included over a dozen squad cars, the SWAT team and K9 units. The Erie County Sheriff’s Air One helicopter and what appears to be an armored vehicle also turned up.



  1. Poetic justice. Throw the book at `em

  2. What a boob. Hypocrites make up a high percentage of the population.

  3. He's one of the bozos that pushed the charge up to felony status w/ a CC permit!
    Karma's a b!tch.

  4. Love it. Just makes me wonder though if he had designs on causing harm in the name of gun control?

  5. He's the one who pushed for and got the 4 year sentence for just this. I say we give it to him.

  6. Here another thing to consider:

    IF someone else were "caught" with a gun on `em with the same excuse as he is offering, would he be as reasonable with them?

    A 2nd amendment advocate perhaps?

    My guess is he would want to throw the book at `em, since he was the one who authored the law.

    Zero tolerance!!


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