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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

U.S. Gov't Gives Muslim Brotherhood 'Farm Subsidies'

The North American Islamic Trust (NAIT), a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, has been given over $10,000 in farm subsidies since 1998. The payments are just another example of taxpayer money being spent to benefit Islamist groups.

Fox News reports that NAIT is being funded by 34 different government programs and receives subsidies for its two “agricultural” lands that are not being used for agricultural purposes. The report quotes an expert as assessing that NAIT’s activity in this regard is “probably legal,” as shocking as it seems.
NAIT was first identified as a Muslim Brotherhood front by the FBI in the 1980s. A declassified FBI memo documents that a source inside the American Muslim Brotherhood said that NAIT is “under the direction and control of the IKHWAN [Muslim Brotherhood] in the United States has as its ultimate goal political control of all non-Islamic governments in the world.”


  1. Why don't we just give them cash?

    The scary truth is they are using this money to attack our country and way of life!

    Our government is contributing to its own demise!

  2. Our Muslim president is part of the Muslim Brotherhood so supporting his fellow Muzzies makes perfect sense.

  3. 829 guess you missed where this has been going on legally since 98. Reading is fundamental.

  4. 9:04 how does that change my comment? Obama is part of the Muslim Brotherhood so he has even more incentive to help his fellow Muslims that the preceding liberal administrations that helped them out of a liberal sense of "fairness". I suggest in your reading time you find something other than The New York Times or The Washington Post to read. Reading this blog is a good start for you. You can actually see that not everyone loves the glorious leader.

  5. But yet, the government found a way to screw me out of my first time homebuyer credit and then screwed me out of the long term resident credit back in 2009.


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