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Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Neighbors With Guns Chase, Capture Teen Robbing Suspects

Alabama residents alert to a break-in at a neighbor’s home first called cops — but while waiting, took matters into their own hands. They grabbed their guns and confronted the intruders. And police are cheering it as a win for the “good guys.”

The teen-age would-be robbers raced from the scene, AL.com reported. But the watchful neighbors pursued, catching one near some woods and holding him at gunpoint while police arrived.

Two other suspects were captured on a road about a mile from the scene, The Blaze reported.

Chief Deputy Randy Christian said that the teen the neighbors caught was carrying a pistol and a set of keys that belonged to the home he was trying to ransack, AL.com reported.



  1. DAG SHORTY, deh talking about capping youFebruary 5, 2014 at 9:11 PM

    Need to do this in "The Black MOB Violence" Areas too...

  2. Armed citizens are your best defense against crime.

  3. Unfortunately, in Maryland, that is considered assault with a deadly weapon, and the robbers have the right to go after the neighbors in court for that.

    How effed up is that?

  4. 6:19. no, its not.

  5. 7:40, I was in that situation in my own home and duly informed of the perp's rights by a Wicomico County Sheriff's Deputy. I suggest you ask Mike Lewis about this one.


  6. And, P.S. to that, the Sheriff's office confiscated my gun and it took ma a year and a half to get the "evidence" back.



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