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Tuesday, February 18, 2014

The Marijuana Policy Project has set up shop to legalize pot in Maryland

ANNAPOLIS, Md. - Just underneath the same progressive arc that saw the DREAM Act and same-sex marriage become a reality in Maryland, you may find a seedling just beginning to poke through the frozen ground: legalizing marijuana.

"I think once people get used to the idea and hear it, it is not going to be as big a hurdle to jump over as you might have thought at one time,” said Del. Curt Anderson.

Anderson, a Baltimore city Democrat, has had his eye on the legalization of marijuana since the 2012 legislative session.



  1. It's too bad that MD republicans think they know what's best for our health and well-being.

  2. Let's put it on the ballot!

  3. If this stops the cops from using that term "I smell marijuana in the car" when they know damn well there is none or none was being smoked just to get to search you, then I am for it...

    They do it to people who have concealed carry permits too....

  4. There are so many people these days, doctors, lawyers, congressmen and presidents that have done it and said so, we shouldn't have people in jail just because they got caught!

    The demand for all the heroin we see today, and can't understand why, is that the demand for heroin skyrocketed because people were abusing opiates like codeine, oxytocin, vicotin, morphine, drugs already illegal without a prescription. They became addicted to legal forms first, then found that heroin is a cheaper and more assessable product than a controlled dangerous substance. Many are young people that started off taking pills from their parents medicine cabinet, not marijuana as the gateway.

  5. Why not?? In this new "anything goes" country of ours maybe the govt can get more tax money and let the rest of us alone.

  6. 2:09 - they'll take the pot tax money...and ours...been choomin' already?!

  7. too bad 12:43 your health and well being really doesn't matter much- to anyone - you will still be voting Democrat 25 years after you are dead

  8. Go ahead buy your Pot at the State Store. When you do you will lose your Second Amendment Right.

  9. Ok so what country is able to get all the Herion in this country with No problem !! We need to focus on this instead !!!

  10. 7:53
    no small coincidence that we are losing American lives like the one of the Soldier from Willards last week..
    Supposedly building schools and roads in Afghanistan for people who resent our occupation of their Country.
    They produce all but a tiny percentage of the World's Heroin supply. Just follow the money- it is public knowledge where it all goes.


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